SIDNEY — Sidney City Schools is announcing a new partnership with Right At School, a nationally recognized school enrichment provider, for before and after-school care to replace Latchkey. Starting in the fall of 2024, Right At School will offer the program to students in kindergarten through fifth grades. (Sidney City Schools Latchkey will continue to be available through the end of the current school year.)

Right at School will be available from 5:30 a.m. until 6:30 p.m. every day school is in session. Families can work with Right At School to create flexible monthly schedules to support their busy lives. Create a monthly schedule by choosing one, two, three, four or five days per week. Drop-in care and punch cards are also flexible options, and Right At School will be available during breaks and non-school days. Examples of units include: Getting Down to Business, where students are introduced to money and commerce; Icky Experiments, where students experiment with sticky substances to learn chemistry; and Variety Show, where students rehearse and perform individual talent acts.

“We are incredibly excited about this new partnership,” said Sidney City Schools Superintendent Bob Humble. “We look forward to how Right At School will grow with our district and the families we serve.”

Right At School provides families flexibility in enrollment options and a comprehensive enrichment curriculum to keep students engaged while they participate. Students will have a healthy snack, engage in dynamic fitness activities, student-driven projects, team building, and leadership development, and have the opportunity to complete homework. The program also features an enriched curriculum in the form of two-week units.

Right At School is hosting a virtual “Family Information Night” to provide an overview of their programs, answer questions, and interact with you on Tuesday, April 23, 2024, beginning at 6 p.m. virtually via Zoom. Visit to find the Zoom link.

Check out the Right at School + Sidney City Schools page to learn more –