The return of Christ is near

Wouldn’t it be something if the return of Christ took place this very year in which he catches up all believers into the glories of heaven? We hasten to admit that no one knows the day and hour, but signs of the time are many which indicate a nearness. I have mentioned some in the past such as the return of the Jews into Israel, the great increase in knowledge and fast travel which takes place in outer space. There is another one found in II Tim. 3:1 “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.” I think we will all admit that with all the terrorist attacks being reported each week we are in perilous times.

What can we anticipate with his glorious return for all believers? We, as believers, can be assured of receiving brand, new, eternally healthy bodies. (I Cor. 15:52-53)

This is such a precious hope to believers who are suffering with all kinds of afflictions. Christians who have died before this event come back with the Lord and receive beautiful resurrected bodies and we who are alive receive ours also. I Thes. 4:17 declares “Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air, and so shall we ever be with the Lord.”

I must admit that the older I get, the more I think about heaven. What is it going to be like? Rev. 21:18-23 describes it as having a wall of jasper, the city of pure gold. The foundations of the wall are garnished with all manner of precious stones. The twelve gates are twelve pearls. The streets are pure gold. No need for a sun or moon there because the glory of God provides the light.

I personally am eager to see my blessed Lord and Savior in person. I have served him for many years in Spirit but then face to face. What a beautiful Savior! Then I want to see my family and friends who are there already. I look forward to seeing my mother and dad and giving them a big hug as I express my love for them. Neither one of them had a high school education but they were hard working people who led their children into the knowledge of Christ. A lot more of my family members will be there and a big reunion will be planned I’m sure. I have had the privilege of leading many of my high school classmates to the Lord over the years and what a joy to see them again. As of this week 100 of my classmates out of a class of 236 have died. I have had an opportunity to officiate at four of their funerals and to see those who knew Christ as Savior again will be thrilling.

We know from Scripture that not everybody who leaves this life goes into heaven. In fact, Matt. 7:13 teaches that most do not but, rather go the other direction. It is always painful to me when clergyman presiding over funerals of persons of great renown tend to place them in heaven regardless of whether they were Christians or not. Luke 16 provides some very painful information about hell. Two men had died and Lazarus, a beggar, went into what was called Abraham’s bosom. It was a place of bliss and rest. A rich man who helped provide crumbs of food to Lazarus in this life went to hell. Not because of his being rich but because he apparently had not received Christ as his Savior from sin.

The narrative contained in this chapter teaches us some things about this awful place. The rich man called over to father Abraham and requested that he send Lazarus over to him and dip his finger in water and cool his tongue because he was in torment. Abraham said it was not possible because a great gulf separated them. Then the rich man made it clear that memory is still very much present in that awful place when he requested that Lazarus be sent back to warn his five brothers to prevent their coming to that place of torment. It is the knowledge of this terrible place and the awareness of God’s great love that constrains me to be a soul winner and to warn people everywhere I go.

It is so simple to repent of your sins and invite Christ into your heart as Lord and Savior. I can tell you that in the last year people all over Shelby County are doing that very thing and realizing that they now have the certainty of heaven as their eternal home. It is time for us as Christians to pray daily for our family members and friends to be saved and to not give up until it happens. Invite him into your heart right now and know that your eternal destiny in heaven is assured.

By the Rev. Harold McKnight

Your pastor speaks

The writer is the pastor emeritus of the Christian Tabernacle in Sidney.