Carpenter resigns, Arnett named new council member

QUINCY — There was a changing of council members during the June 16 meeting of the Quincy Village Council meeting.

The resignation of Brian Carpenter was accepted with a thank you for his service. Carpenter resigned due to a conflict with his work schedule.

Karen Sue Arnett was approved at the replacement for Carpenter. She had previously served on Council and left the State of Ohio for several months and

recently returned and was able to step into the position with previous knowledge of the workings of the Council.

Richard Smith informed Council that he will probably be resigning as the Village of Quincy Zoning Officer due to a conflict of his retirement program and being a rehire for the Village of Quincy after retiring.

Starting Jan. 1, 2016, changes will go into effect regarding Public Employee Retirement Systems that will change options and benefits for anyone being rehired after retiring. Smith reported that he wanted to allow the village to have time to find a replacement.

Council passed a proclamation supporting Prostate Cancer Awareness for September 2015 in the village.

The delinquent utility list was reviewed. Council determined that anyone with a balance of $200 or greater should be shut off as soon as possible.

A problem with deposit being received from Regional Income Tax Agency was discussed. A depositor has deposited money into the village of Quincy Ohio account that should be made to another Quincy in another state. At this time R.I.T.A. has not had a chance to complete research involving the matter, however all deposits made in error will need to be returned to the correct account.

The Fiscal Officer reported both the employer share and employee share of deductions for retirement will remain the same for 2016.

Bob Smith of Legacy Pipeline was present for the meeting to discuss an extension of the agreement to provide natural gas to the Village of Quincy.

Due to the passing of the owner of the firm, Smith has had to purchase the firm and revamp the plans. He has been working with Vectren to provide the gas and install the necessary lines. At this time things are working out.

Due to the lateness of the season contractors are not available for work to begin this year. Therefore a one year extension was requested for the DeGraff and a two year extension for Quincy. After review and discussion, Council granted a two year extension for June of 2017.

This is a $1.5 million project for Quincy and the quicker it is completed the quicker money made to pay for the project. Home owners were advised to purchase fuel for 2015 and 2016 at the best prices. Council expressed disappointment with the length of the project, however at this time there have not been outside interest in providing natural gas to Quincy. Legacy Pipeline has agreed to provide quarterly reports to both villages regarding the status of the project.

Reports of dogs not being on a leash were presented to Council members. The Logan County Dog Warden will be contacted regarding this matter. He

will be ask to patrol the area to find and gather unleashed animals in the village. There is a leash law in the village as well as cleaning up after animals.

The Fiscal Officer reported that 11 yard sale signs were purchased at $5 per sign for a total deposit of $55 this year. Concern was expressed over those using the village to advertise the yard sales and not purchasing a sign to support the handouts and advertising costs. Advertising costs were not supported by the receipts and this may need to be looked at in the future. Council is encouraging people interested in the annual yard sale to support the function and purchase signs in the future. The cost is $5 per sign and that includes a listing of sale locations and any special items at the sale.

A discussion was held about odors being noticed throughout the village. The location of the problem is known and a solution will need to be looked at. The matter was tabled pending further review.

The Joint Sewer Board and Council members were invited to attend a meeting at the Joint Sewer Plant to review an algae control issue at the Joint Sewer Plant with Ohio State University. The Board is looking at the use of natural resources to help with algae control at the plant instead of chemicals. The situation will be reviewed and a determination as to whether the project will work at the plant or not.

The Council had received complaints about trimming of trees and shrubs in alleys in the village. This is part of a paving project that is being funded by a grant. It is a requirement that the trees and shrubs be removed prior to the project start.

Home owners are reminded that trees and shrubs are the property owner’s responsibility to clean and maintain. Anything that grows into an alley can be removed and placed on the property owner’s property or clean up. Anyone with questions should attend a Council meeting to be discussed.

The village administrator reported to Council that he is seeking part-time help that can work for the village throughout the year. He would like to be able to train someone that is interested in a long term job.

The Council is looking at the mayor’s salary. A recent survey in Logan County has shown the village’s mayor is the lowest paid mayor in Logan County. The Council has ask to review these salaries to make a determination on how to proceed in this matter.

Council’s next meeting will be July 7, 2015, at 7:30 p.m. in Council Chambers.