American Legion Poppy Days are Nov. 5-7

To the Editor:

The Sidney American Legion Auxiliary will hold its annual Poppy Campaign Nov. 5-7. Auxiliary members will be at Walmart, Kroger and Sidney Foodtown from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 5, and Friday, Nov. 6, and from 9 a.m. to noon on Saturday.

The donations from the poppies goes for needy veterans and their families. Many are disabled or homeless or without jobs. These people are the ones the funds are used for.

Grocery, clothing and medical needs all fall under this category. The Dayton Veterans Hospital had a van with a caption on the side about this.

Poppy Days are held all over the United States. There is a need everywhere. And we don’t ask a person to buy a poppy. It is all a donation, whatever you want to give.

Just remember our needy veterans who have fought and risked their lives for our country. Thank you from Sidney Unit 217

Ann Wren
