Out of the past

125 Years

May 7, 1893

The German American Bank is putting in a new and much larger vault than it formerly had. The steel plates on the sides and doors are four times as thick as the plates of the old vaults.


The Board of Health held a special meeting yesterday, and the recent flood was the cause of it. The outlaw owned by W.P. Reed and several lots belonging to David Oldham, on East Court street, contain several feet of water. It shows no indication of disappearing unless assisted, and it’s presence is considered detrimental to health.

100 Years

May 7, 1918

The local exemption board this morning received a telegram ordering that it have 108 men ready to move to camp on Saturday, May 25. It is also to have 25 per cent additional men ready to go should necessity demand that they also be sent. This movement is the last of the second draft call.


The formal opening of the country club will be held Thursday afternoon. Dinner will be served to members at 5:30 and 6:30, and reservations should be made to Cable Wagner. The golf course is in splendid shape and many have been playing for the past several weeks.


At a meeting of the election board last evening, B.T. Bulle was selected as chief deputy, and Ed Salm as clerk. The board is composed of the following: B.T. Bulle and Carl Wilkinson, Republicans, and Clem Crusey and Jerry Quinlisk, Democrats.

75 Years

May 7, 1943

Some of the background that led to the capture of eight Nazi saboteurs that landed on U.S. shores last June formed the high spot of the talk given by William H. Jan, Jr. of the Cincinnati FBI office when he spoke here yesterday at the regular weekly luncheon meeting of the Kiwanis club. Members of the Rotary club were guests for the special program.


Mrs. Paul Elsner was elected president of the Alpha Gamma chapter of the Delta Theta Tau sorority, when members met last evening in the Iutis club rooms. Mrs. Arthur Killian will be vice president; Mrs. Charles Dunson, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Elmer Kiser, recording secretary, Miss Dorothy Duncan, treasurer; Miss Margaret Faulkner, sergeant-at-arms; and Mrs. Clyde MiIlhoff, historian.

50 Years

May 7, 1968

Dennis R. Harshbarger, R.R. 1, DeGraff, has been awarded the first annual Copeland Employee’s Scholarship. Announcement of the award, valued at $4,000 was made today by Frank J. Gleason, Jr., president of Copeland.

A senior at Riverside High School, DeGraff, the youth is a son of Mrs. Deloris Harshbarger, employed in the Copeland plant as a lathe operator. Dennis plans to enter Manchester College, Manchester, Ind., where he expects to study some form of engineering.


Merrill Asher, 525 Jefferson street, Sidney, received word that his fiancé, Miss Ann Tenbosch, Cincinnati, received first place for a design for a bread wrap, one of four categories in a collegiate packaging design contest conducted by a paper company.

Miss Tenbosch attended Cincinnati schools and is a senior majoring in advertising design at the University of Cincinnati. She and her fiancé, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Asher, will be residing in Sidney following their July 7 wedding.

25 Years

May 7, 1993

Shelby County’s own “Uncle Sam,” Ralph Bornhorst, has been selected as grand marshal for the Sidney Jaycees’ Fourth of July Parade.

Bornhorst, 10200 Fort Loramie-Swanders Road, will represent the parade theme of “The Spirit of America” as Uncle Sam.

Bornhorst served in World War II, and an incident there inspired his interest in portraying the symbol for the United States. He was involved in the invasion of Iwo Jima. As he looked across the ruins, he noticed peeking out over the hill, the bright red, white and blue of the American Flag. He said he thought this sight was poetry in motion.

In 1987 Bornhorst asked his sister-in-law to help with an outfit. She made his Uncle Sam costume and he has been portraying Uncle Sam in parades since 1988.


These news items from past issues of the Sidney Daily News are compiled by the Shelby County Historical Society (937-498-1653) as a public service to the community. Local history on the Internet! www.shelbycountyhistory.org