Helping kids get back to school supplies

Kila Puckett, left to right, 13, and her brother Carter Puckett, 11, children of Kendra and Paul Driscoll, hand school supplies to Salvation Army Lt. Katie Mayers, all of Sidney, during School Tools Stuff the Bus program held in conjunction with Walmart on Saturday, Aug. 3. School supplies donated will be given to kids in the local community that need them.

Kila Puckett, left to right, 13, and her brother Carter Puckett, 11, children of Kendra and Paul Driscoll, hand school supplies to Salvation Army Lt. Katie Mayers, all of Sidney, during School Tools Stuff the Bus program held in conjunction with Walmart on Saturday, Aug. 3. School supplies donated will be given to kids in the local community that need them. Puckett, left to right, 13, and her brother Carter Puckett, 11, children of Kendra and Paul Driscoll, hand school supplies to Salvation Army Lt. Katie Mayers, all of Sidney, during School Tools Stuff the Bus program held in conjunction with Walmart on Saturday, Aug. 3. School supplies donated will be given to kids in the local community that need them. Luke Gronneberg | Sidney Daily News