Vote for Jim Frye on March 17

To the editor:

In June of 2018, my husband was murdered by a distracted driver. He was driving a tractor down State Route 29 when a driver shopping online using her cell phone hit him.

Jim Frye was given the task of recreating the accident to see what exactly took place. Under his direction, the Sheriff’s Office was able to find a nearly identical tractor and sprayer as well as a similar vehicle to recreate the crash. This recreation was filmed by drone and a dash camera and completed many, many times to ensure accuracy.

Through this investigation, they were able to determine that the driver had a full 16 seconds to look up and see my husband on the tractor. This was enough to convict the driver of negligence, resulting in a felony. During this time, our family was treated with the utmost respect and empathy.

In December of 2019, Mr. Frye asked if I would be willing to present on the dangers and reality of distracted driving at Fairlawn High School. He accompanied me to the presentation and spoke to the students about specific details about the crash as well as what exactly the law is for minors and adults. These presentations have continued at several local high schools and at each presentation, Mr. Frye exhibits pure professionalism and knowledge.

Never before has the elected position of sheriff mattered to me. I believed that as long as I was following the rules, I wouldn’t have any encounters with them. Unfortunately, I have realized just how wrong I was. The position of sheriff is vital to all county residents, especially law-abiding citizens. I have full confidence in Jim Frye’s ability to maintain the high standard and complete transparency that we were granted throughout the investigation.

Please, take the time to vote for Jim Frye on March 17th. He has the experience, professionalism, and know-how to create a safe, fair environment for everyone.

Leah B. Fullenkamp

Fort Loramie