Out of the past

125 Years

July 14, 1895

Arrangements are being made to place a telephone instrument at the county infirmary. The poles for the line have been placed.


Prof. Owen, of Springfield will dive from the top of a 60-foot tower into the river at Riverside park at Quincy next Sunday. During the afternoon he will also give an exhibition of fancy bicycle riding.


The Swing Bridge Dramatic club entertained a large audience at their opera house, Cummin’s cellar, on South street last evening. “The Lost Child” was the name of the production. The club is composed of Hattie Cummins, Clara Guy, Zoe Richardson, Bessie Danford, Mabel and Georgia Kah, Margaret Cummins, and Bertha McLean. The price of admission was one cent with one cent additional for reserved seats.

100 Years

July 14, 1920

In the case of the villages of Minster and New Bremen against J.F. Arnold and the Minster-New Bremen Gas Co., the Public utilities Commission has ruled in favor of the gas company, which had requested permission to with draw gas service pipes from beneath the streets of the two villages. Counsel for the villages said today that the decision will be appealed to the Ohio Supreme Court.


A representative of the State Board of Health has been in the city gor the past few days inspecting dairies and making tests of milk furnished residents of the city and that sold at various restaurants. Although milk from the dairies appears up to standard, n at least three cases milk sold at restaurants does not come up to the required standard and charges may be filed.


Maplewood and Jackson Center citizens have a new interest in Henry Ford, since his purchase of the Detroit, Toledo and Ironton railroad which runs through the northeastern part of the county

75 Years

July 14, 1945

Initial deliveries of wheat were being received today by elevators in Shelby county. First reports, however, indicate that much of the wheat has too high moisture content to be accepted. The yield appeared to be averaging between 30 and 40 bushels to the acre and testing around 60 pounds, with moisture content between 13 and 14 percent.


Simon M. Davidian, traveler and lecturer, will speak on “Russia’s Position – East and West” at a joint meeting of the Rotary, Kiwanis and Altrusa clubs Monday noon. An Armenian, Davidian will also speak Sunday evening at the Church of Christ under sponsorship of the Shelby County Ministerial Association.


Capt. Carl Roby has arrived I Sidney to take over the local Salvation Army operation, the position formerly held by Capt. Lucy Miller. A World War II veteran, Capt. Roby ser ed in the U.S. Navy and was aboard the U.S.S. Arkansas during the Normandy invasion.


Hugh Albers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Albers, is enrolled as a midshipman at the U.S. Naval Academy, A 1944 graduate of Sidney High School, Albers has been in the Navy V-12 program at Ohio Wesleyan University.

50 Years

July 14, 1970

Bill Berliant, director of band and vocal music in the Fairlawn school district the past year, has resigned to take the job of band director at St. Anne High School in Kankakee, Ill.

Berliant is a graduate of the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music.


The 450,000th telephone installed by United Telephone Company of Ohio was placed in service last week at the College of Wooster, officials of the company announced.

An engraved silver plate was placed on the front of the telephone denoting it was the 450,000th instrument placed in operation by United Telephone of Ohio.


LONDON – Capt. George Twitchen, 43, of the Salvation Army finished reading the New Testament in 19 hours and 22 minutes Sunday.

Twitchen’s wife said $108 was collected from persons who stopped by the Salvation Army Citadel where her husband was reading aloud. She said the money would go toward purchase of Bibles for Sunday school.

25 Years

July 14, 1995

A farm field in the Botkins area looks like a scene from the past with a cowboy guiding a horse and buggy in a field. Actually, members of the Ron Egbert family dressed a dummy in cowboy clothing and harnessed the wagon to a horse figure. The setup can be found along Botkins Road, west of Botkins.


Carl Cartwright believes everyone should do their part to help others. “That’s the way my father taught me,” said Cartwright, owner of Carty’s Bicycle Shop in Sidney.

Cartwright works with officials of Shelby Hills School to modify equipment for students with multiple handicaps and obtain bicycles that have been adapted for use by the disabled. The job may be as simple as covering wheelchair spokes so arms won’t get caught in them or something more complex, such as modifying a special stand-up wheelchair to make it easier to use.

Cartwright has been doing things like this ever since he took over the bicycle shop more than 20 years ago. He believes the people who work with the handicapped have a very important job, and he sees his work just as a small contribution.


Brad Goffena, who will be a freshman at Sidney High School later this year, recorded only the sixth double-eagle in the 30-year history of Shelby Oaks Thursday when he knocked his second shot in the hole on the par-5, No. 2 hole on the north course. Goffena, the son of Mike and Bonnie Goffena of Sidney, used a driver for his tee shot on the 478-yard hole.


The Sidney High School Class of 1945 held its 50th reunion recently at the Holiday Inn. Fifty-four classmates and 57 guests gathered for the occasion.


These news items from past issues of the Sidney Daily News are compiled by the Shelby County Historical Society (937-498-1653) as a public service to the community. Local history on the Internet! www.shelbycountyhistory.org