Rustic Hope helps families in need

RUSSIA — Rustic Hope will use gifts received during the Community Foundation’s Match Day to provide diapers and groceries to the families they serve.

“We now have over 2,000 mommas registered. With the price of groceries skyrocketing this year, we are seeing increased need,” said Rustic Hope founder Connie McEldowney. “Often times, people assume these moms get plenty in food stamps. What they don’t realize, though, is that most of our mommas are working and do not even get food stamps. Groceries are ridiculously expensive and we are making it a priority to provide help where needed.”

Pregnant women and mothers seek help from the faith-based organization at its Russia location known as The Shed and at St. Paul’s Place in Willowdell. Rustic Hope provides food, clothing, baby supplies, household goods, transportation, adoption information, temporary housing and parenting and other life skills classes to help women succeed.

To support Rustic Hope on Match Day, gifts must be made payable to the Community Foundation of Shelby County with: Match/Rustic Hope noted on the memo or in an accompanying note or form. Details and forms are available at the Community Foundation website at and at Rustic Hope, 3666 Simon Road, Russia. Gifts must be received on or before Nov. 29 to be eligible for matching money. Credit card gifts may be made only on Nov. 29.

The Community Foundation of Shelby County holds its Match Day event annually on Giving Tuesday. Twenty-five local charities will ask supporters to make a gift to the Community Foundation that will be matched up to a total of $5,000 per charity.

Match Day participating organizations have a 501(c)(3) tax status and an organization fund within the Community Foundation of Shelby County with an asset balance exceeding the Foundation’s fund minimum. Gifts received will not be placed into an organization’s fund, but instead will be returned to the organization for its work in the community.

Volunteers show their support for Rustic Hope, a faith-based organization that assists mothers with babies and young children. show their support for Rustic Hope, a faith-based organization that assists mothers with babies and young children. Courtesy photo