Fair Board discusses upgrades at March meeting

By Kimberly Pistone

[email protected]

SIDNEY – The Shelby County Fair Board discussed sponsorships and electrical upgrade proposals, along with other topics, at a meeting on March 15.

The sponsorship drive kicked off with several new sponsors. One idea is to have keg beer with from local brewer available in the beer tent, along with the current can beer. Plastipak has donated $5,000 to the Fair Board for the beer tent and will make half-gallon jugs with their labeling and logo as an additional donation. This plan needs further discussion and will be updated at the next meeting.

A question was asked about the sponsorship levels listed on the Fair Board’s website. Carol Pierce explained that the sponsorships offer an ROI to businesses that donate by giving them exposure. Space is provided to sponsors to place a 10-foot by 10-foot tent or other items with their signage. Sponsors also have space for banners at the fairgrounds. Additionally the sponsor’s logo is on the website.

There was a follow-up question from the February meeting, regarding the revenue that the digital billboard on Fair Road has brought in. The question was not directly answered, but it was explained that sponsors receive either three or six months of advertising on the digital board as part of their sponsorship package, and that exposure helps gain sponsors.

Three proposals for upgrading the electric at the fairgrounds were brought up. These proposals are needed in order to begin looking for grants to fund any of these projects.

The first proposal is to upgrade 74 camping sites, with the estimated cost at $193,000.

The second proposal is to improve the lighting at the derby area, to include better lighting to improve safety and to reach into the parking area. The estimated cost is $53,000.

The third proposal includes HVAC for the Clopay Building, at an estimated cost of $150,000.

The discussion regarding the replacement of the Livestock Building continued from the February meeting. The outside elevation was finalized on March 1, but the representative from Garmann Miller was not in attendance so the discussion was limited and will continue at the April meeting.

The stage has been demolished and $2,000 was voted on and approved to build the concrete footers and red iron beam structure for a new stage. The decking will be discussed at a future meeting.

Quotes were obtained to replace the roof on the walk-through ticket booth on the east side of the fairgrounds. To tear down the roof and rebuild with steel, the estimate is $9,500. The estimate to tear down and rebuild with the same style flat roof is $5,500. This will be further discussed at the April meeting.

This year’s free entertainment will include a catfishing pond. The Historical Society and Edison State Community College have both donated fishing equipment for this activity.

The gun raffle continues, with less than half of the available tickets remaining. The raffle will be held once all tickets are sold.

The Shelby County Swine Breeders Association is sponsoring a new show at the Fair called Shelby County Born and Raised, on Sunday, July 23, at 5 p.m. The rules for the show were voted on and approved.

New this year, the 4-H clubs will be selling fair passes/memberships at their meetings from May 1 through mid-June. This will be further discussed at club meetings in April.

The International Association of Fairs and Exhibitions (IAFE) has asked Bill Clark to become a member and attend a meeting in Millersburg. The board passed a motion to approve $250 for Clark’s membership and hotel bill for this meeting.

The last action at the meeting was Katie Hughes explaining that the Junior Fair book will be a separate book this year.

The next fair board meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 19, at 7 p.m. in the secretary’s office.