Out of the past

125 Years

June 15, 1898

Precinct conventions were held last evening by the Republicans to select delegates to the Republican county convention to be held in the assembly room of the court house tomorrow afternoon. In Sidney and Clinton township the Hanna men got all the delegates except a part of the Fourth ward.


The Third regiment is still in camp at Tampa. Although it has been expected the regiment, with other units of the brigade, would sail for Cuba or Puerto Rico this week they did not and it now appears the units will remain at Camp DeSoto for at least 10 days to two weeks more.


Union services were held in the United Presbyterian church last evening and these were largely attended. Dr. J.B. Robb, pastor of the church, preached the sermon. Patriotic in nature, the sermon was entitled “The Duty of the American People in the Present Crisis.”

100 Years

June 15, 1923

Preparations were being completed today for the arrival in Sidney on June 26 of the Service Progress Special, the big railroad museum on wheels which is being sent out by the New York Central railroad over all their lines this summer. The special will have 11 units, including the old DeWitt Clinton, first train to ever travel across New York state.


The Green Township Boosters club met at the centralized school earlier this week and reorganized by electing Fred Middleton, president; John Coen, vice president; C.G. Harbaugh, secretary, E.N. Addis, treasurer. The club will hold its ninth annual picnic on July 12


Kenneth Miller, manager of the Winter Garden at Piqua, has become associated with the Avon Lake Co. and will assume management of the bathing beach and pavilion. The redecorated pavilion will open this weekend with the famous Detroit Six, and the bathing beach will reopen as soon as improvements are completed.

75 Years

June 15, 1948

In a demonstration of community spirit and cooperation, more than 200 persons assembled in the Russia High school auditorium at a Victory banquet last evening to play tribute to the fine athletic combinations that have emerged from the Russia school during the 1947-48 academic year. Also honored were those students with scholastic attainments. Guest speaker for the occasion was Harry Baujan, athletic director at University of Dayton.


Virgil Alexander, senior vice commander of the Shelby County Veterans of Foreign Wars post, was named to the same office in the second Ohio VFW district during the district conclave held yesterday at Kenton. Twelve members of the local post were in attendance at the meeting.

50 Years

June 15, 1973

Although retired, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Winemiller were busy, active people… with a garden that is a real showplace and the envy of many homeowners.

Rosses and a number of their flowers grow abundantly in their carefully-cared for back yard and they welcome visitors to their home to share the beauty of the colors and blossoms.


Shelby County Commissioners yesterday approved two animal claims.

One was for $50 from Wilbur Zedeker, for two sheep killed in Franklin Township. The other was for $24 from Guy Holtzapple, for hens killed in Loramie Township.


Seven area 4-H club members left Wednesday to attend the 56th annual Ohio 4-H Club Congress. It is being held through Saturday at the Ohio State University in Columbus.

The local delegates are: Bonnie Clark, Bakers & Tailors 4-H Club; Helen Heins, Modern Miss 4-H Club; Sue Helman, Cynthiana Flying Needles 4-H Club; Sandy Phipps, Modern Miss 4-H Club; Debbie Poppe, Pins and Needles 4-H Club; Mike Phlipot and Richard Watkins, Town & Country 4-H Club.

25 Years

June 15, 1998

A record number of youngsters in grades 1-6 participated in Splash, a water safety program sponsored by The Sidney Daily News in Conjunction with the Sidney-Shelby County YMCA.

Some 630 youngsters completed the program which combines swimming, water safety and character development instructions.


A rummage and bake sale benefiting Alpha Community Center will be held Friday and Saturday in the parking lot adjacent to Canal Place and behind GC Variety. The sale begins both days at 10 am.


GREENVILLE, Ohio – The year was 1918. The day was June 15. That’s when Harley Utz and Sylvia Booker were married in the Darke County village of Pittsburg.

Harley and Sylvia, both 99, lived in Arcanum until September. Now they live in the Brethren’s Home in Greenville, where family and friends gathered for an advance celebration of their 80th anniversary.

These news items from past issues of the Sidney Daily News are compiled by the Shelby County Historical Society (937-498-1653) as a public service to the community. Local history on the Internet! www.shelbycountyhistory.org. Visit the Sidney Daily News website, www.sidneydailynews.com to read the rest of the week’s columns.