Out of the past


125 Years

June 23, 1898

Work of examining the reserves of Company L and swearing them in was commenced again this afternoon and will continue until the required 37 men have been secured. Lt. Moore has made arrangements for the men to leave tomorrow afternoon at 5 o’clock on a special car on the C.H. & D. Arrangements are being made to give the reserves a grand reception on their departure.


Complaint has been made about boys loitering on the canal hoist bridges and raising the bridges. The police have been instructed to arrest all persons who are caught raising the bridges without authority.

100 Years

June 23, 1923

E.T. Custenborder, of this city was re-elected president of the Ohio Grain Dealers Association at the closing session of a two-day convention held at Cedar Point this week.


Members of the Sidney lodge of Elks enjoyed a garden party on the lawn at the Elks Home last evening and began preliminary arrangements for a membership drive to be conducted in the near future. The Elks orchestra played during the serving of the dinner and several popular songs were song by Homer Crusey. The

committee on arrangements was composed of William Crusey, Jos. Shill, Leo Scheenberger, Fares Altenbach, and Harry Hollinger.


Judge J.D. Barnes was in Dayton yesterday to attend the meeting of the judges of the Miami Conservancy district. Eight of the nine conservancy judges were present for the meeting.


A Fort touring car, belonging to Harold Meyers, of Anna, who is employed at Joe Heine’s barber shop on the east side of the square, was driven away by two young men between 1 and 2 this afternoon. They were observed driving north. Police officials were notified and telephoned a description of the car to surrounding cities.

75 Years

June 23, 1948

Sidney’s utility board and engineer have been advised the newly constructed incinerator plant meets all required and general specifications. This was revealed at a session of the utility board last evening when a report from Floyd T. Brown and Associates, of Marion consulting engineers for the project, was read.


Installation ceremonies for Reuben Aschenbach as the new president of the Sidney Rotary Club were held yesterday noon at the regular luncheon meeting of the club.


Pat Milligan, of Sidney, was one of seven athletes at the College of Wooster to receive an award for meritorious service contributed towards the Scots’ outstanding basketball success during the 1947-48 campaign. Milligan is completing his sophomore year at the school.

50 Years

June 23, 1973

The Rev. Joseph F. Bailey has been re-appointed by Bishop F. Gerald Ensley of the West Ohio Conference of the United Methodist Church to return as pastor of the Port Jefferson-Maplewood Charge. The appointment was made during the annual conference at Lakeside.


Fifty-five years ago, Mr. and Mrs. James Palmisano opened their Quality Baker on Court Street, where the Sidney Printing and Publishing Co. now has its graphic arts office located. The bakery, now located on Ohio Ave, will be closing its doors on June 30.


MINSTER – Two Minster High School teachers have been selected Outstanding Secondary Educators of America for 1973. They are Dottie Boesel and Herman Kohlepp.

The honor is given on the basis of professional and civic achievements.

25 Years

June 23, 1998

A total of $6,000 in James P. Humphrey Black Achievers Scholarship Awards have been granted to area students to continue their education at institutions of higher learning.

Those receiving scholarships are as follows: Toneshi Sorensen, Jon Spradlin, Grace Klanderud, Jason Klanderud, Denise Lee, Mpho Abigail Pooe, Robert Stockton, and Riana Williams.


This season, 34 new roller coasters are scheduled to open around the country and 67 at parks worldwide – the highest number introduced in any single year since the late 1920s. They’ll bring the total of coasters to 350 in North America and about 700 worldwide.

These news items from past issues of the Sidney Daily News are compiled by the Shelby County Historical Society (937-498-1653) as a public service to the community. Local history on the Internet! www.shelbycountyhistory.org. Visit the Sidney Daily News website, www.sidneydailynews.com to read the rest of the week’s columns.

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