Commissioners begin work for new EV charging stations


By Charlotte Caldwell
[email protected]

SIDNEY – The Shelby County Commissioners accepted a proposal for the installation of two electric vehicle charging stations during business in June.

The proposal from EVUnited of $21,002 for the charging stations was accepted on June 27 along with a proposal from C & J Electric, Inc. of $22,220 for electrical work for the stations.

According to Commissioner Julie Ehemann, they will be located in the parking lot behind Courtview Center adjacent to the Shelby County Board of Elections. Jackson Center has charging stations, but this will be the first county-owned station. The completion date is currently unknown.

“We have been pursuing this idea for some time in coordination with the city of Sidney’s downtown revitalization efforts. We believe this can be an additional draw for travelers to discover Sidney and Shelby County,” Ehemann said. “We are fortunate to have been approved for a rebate that will cover a lot of the cost. The city of Sidney has agreed to share in the remaining installation costs.”

In other business, the commissioners approved the issuance of health care facilities refunding and improvement revenue bonds by Franklin County for Ohio Living Communities, which includes Ohio Living Dorothy Love.

Multiple bids were also handled. Advertising for bids for the 2023 Highway Paint Striping Program began and must be received by July 13 at 11 a.m. Two bids were opened and taken under advisement for the 2023 Maintenance Garage Project Re-bid, and the bid of $300,999.36 was awarded to Westerheide Construction Company. On June 22, bids opened for the Rangeline Road Bridge Rehabilitation Project, but no bids were submitted. For the re-bid, authorized by the commissioners on June 27, bids must be received by July 18 at 3 p.m.

Payment of weekly expenditures was approved totaling $327,196.77 (June 1), $1,672,736.99 (June 8), $1,121,281.46 (June 13) and $391,880.39 (June 22). The engineer’s fund received $175,529.10 in sales tax revenue from the general fund, and the capital improvement fund received $175,529.09.

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