Jackson Center/UVCC FCCLA places 1st in nation

DENVER, Colo. – Jackson Center/UVCC FCCLA joined more than 8,000 Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) student members, advisers and guests at the Denver Convention Center to participate in the annual National Leadership Conference (NLC).

The conference provided these members opportunities for listening to inspiring speakers, attending youth workshops, competing on the national level, and networking with other youth leaders. The theme of this year’s conference was “Incredible,” which inspired attendees to explore the incredible opportunities FCCLA has to offer by exploring career opportunities, developing leadership skills, and growing personally while making a difference in their families and communities.

The JC/UVCC chapter kicked off the conference with onstage recognition for their award winning traffic safety program, chaired by Maleah Kipker and Carleigh Ross. The chapter was chosen from over 165 applicants which earned them first place in the nation, cash prizes, participation in the spotlight on projects and on stage recognition while in Denver.

In addition, four teams participated in STAR Events (Students Taking Action with Recognition). In order to compete at the national level these teams had to place at the top of the regional and state competitions. All 4 teams placed in the top two in the nation at the national competition this past week. Earning first place in the nation were:

• Chapter in Review Portfolio- Level 1- Maycee Kipker, Samantha Metzger and Isabella Warner

• Professional Presentation- Level 2- Avery Jackson

Earning second place in the nation were:

• Food Innovations- Level 2- Cortney Copeland and Corinne York

• National Programs in Action- Level 2- Kendall Hilbun and Laynee Shields

The chapter is advised by Vicki Kipker.