Russia BOE sets administration salaries


RUSSIA – The Russia Board of Education set administration salaries for the 2023-2024 school year at a meeting on July 19.

After discussing the matter in executive session, the board decided to set the superintendent’s salary at $115,400 and extended the contract for two years, expiring on July 31, 2026. The principal’s salary was set at $85,100 and the treasurer’s salary was set at $91,000 and the treasurer’s contract was extended for two years, expiring on July 31, 2026.

In other business, the board approved the following motions for the upcoming school year:

• A budget of $1,000 to be used for staff service awards, snacks and refreshments for staff meetings, and other insignificant employee amenities for the purpose of increasing staff morale;

• Employment of Amber Cordonnier, Maddison Borchers and Mike Hart as site coordinators on a per game basis;

• Employment of Mike Hart and Cara Wooten as sub custodians at $17 per hour on an as needed basis;

• Student fees;

• Lunch fees: $2.25 for grades 1-6, $2.50 for grades 7-12, $3 for adult lunches;

• Authorize the school district to participate in the following federal and state programs: Title I, Title IIA, Title IID, Title IVA, Title V, Part B-IDEA, E-Rate, free and reduced lunch program, EMIS Subsidy program, REAP, ESSER and ONENET Funding;

• Bus routes;

• Authorize the superintendent to make modifications to the bus routes on an as needed basis;

• Employment of Paul Bremigan, Rodney Counts, Terry Daugherty, Carrie Heuing, Gery Heuing, Angie Lachat, Dustin Meyer, Mike Meyer, Dan Millhouse, Steve Rose, Vern Seger, Ken York and Raymond Clark as bus drivers;

• Employment of Lydia Stricker as band director on a one-year limited contract pending completion of paperwork;

• Employment of Ola Schafer, Linda Scott and Karen Bensmen as ticket takers on a per game basis;

• Employment of Madison Borchers as JV girls golf coach;

• Employment of Doug Borchers as volunteer golf coach;

• Employment of Makenna Borchers as volunteer girls golf coach;

• Athletic activity fee of $20 per season per athlete;

• Athletic ticket prices;

• A Fiscal Year 2024 Program Services Agreement between the Midwest Regional Educational Service Center and Russia Local School;

• A contract with Level MB as outlined in GMP 3;

• A $1,000 donation from Russia Music Boosters to be used for scholarship purposes;

• An anonymous donation of $2,875 to be used for basketball supplies;

• A donation of $592.66 from the class of 2021 to be used by the principal’s fund.

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