Out of the past

125 Years

July 29, 1898

The Shelby County Soldiers and Sailors Aid Society was organized at a meeting of citizens held at the home of Mrs. E. H. Arbuckle last evening. The object of the society is to assist and comfort the families and dependents of Shelby County soldiers and sailors in the army and navy. Col. Eli Davis was elected president. He will be assisted by 12 vice presidents, with Mrs. Benjamin Slusser as first vice president.


The company of volunteers which has been drilled in the armory for the past few months by John F. Wilson and J.D. Barnes has decided to quit drilling for the present. The prospects of the company getting a call to the front are not very bright since Spain has made overtures of peace to the United States.


Commencing Monday, the Hardware stores will close at 7 o’clock except on Saturday nights.

100 Years

July 29, 1923

A new candy manufacturing plant and large business block will be erected in this city in the near future. Those having the matter under consideration expect to begin erection of the building at once. It will be erected by Stanley Bryan and several of his former associates in the Venus Chocolate Co. on the old Nutt Property on North Ohio Avenue. Located just south of the Mathers homestead, near the post office, the property was purchased several months ago by Sam Karbos from Mrs. Nutt.


Miss Vera Schofield of this city, won a second story telling contest when she participated this week during the conference of the M. E. Women’s Foreign Missionary Society at Lakeside. Miss Schofield won a similar contest held several weeks ago at Wapakoneta and represented the Lima district in the competition.


The Great White Way shows, carnival and festival appearing under the auspices of the Improved Order of Red Men pitched their tents at Gramercy Park on East Court Street this morning. There are eight different shows, 25 concessions and three rides.


Suffering from the effects of ptomaine poisoning, President Harding will abandon the rest of his western trip and return direct to Washington from San Francisco, it was announced today.

75 Years

July 29, 1948

People of Sidney and Shelby County should know more today about what happens to criminals after their capture by law enforcement officials. Jack Slavin, Jr., manager of the Jail on Wheels exhibited here yesterday, reported that more than 5,000 persons went through the mobile jail unit during the time it was here. He added that this was a record for a town of this size.


The Lone Ranger and Silver were magical names in Sidney last night when thousands assembled around the public square to witness the Bike-Safety parade led by the cowboy star and his famous horse. The parade and Bike-Safety week were sponsored by the Sidney Daily News Carriers Club. Clyde Crusey and Clyde Carey, the two oldest living News carriers participated in the parade.


As a result of the successful appliance show held this spring, nine Sidney appliance dealers have arranged for another joint effort to be held at the Shelby County Fair this fall and will be housed in a large tent located on the midway just south of the merchant’s hall. Final arrangements for the show were completed at a meeting held this morning under the chairmanship of E. H. Clifford.

50 Years

July 29, 1973

Donald Epperly of Dorloy Holstein Farm, Fort Loramie was awarded the top prize for the Senior Champion Female in the Black and White Dairy Senior Show at the Shelby County Fair Saturday night.


Warm, sunshiny weather greeted the second day of the Shelby County Fair Sunday and drew thousands of people to the many shows and attractions.

A total of 4,000 persons attended the fair Saturday, excluding exhibitors. Attendance figures for Sunday were unavailable at press time today.

A group of more than 100 persons gathered in the Youth Center Building at the Shelby County Fair, as eight junior dog trainers put their canines through their paces.

25 Years

July 29, 1998

It was of the youngsters who prevailed at the Shelby County Open golf tournament Sunday afternoon. Ryan Coyne won it on the third sudden death hole. It was age v. youth. Coyne won out over veteran golfer Matt Clayton. It was the first open title for Coyne, who had just flown home Friday night after competing in a Florida Tournament.


A beloved local pastor is retiring. The Reverend Merle Laws, age 64, has been the pastor at the Northtowne Church of God for 27 years. However, he is not leaving the ministry because “that is not something you retire from.” He has no travel plans and wants to stay close to the congregation he has loved and support for more than a quarter century.

These news items from past issues of the Sidney Daily News are compiled by the Shelby County Historical Society (937-498-1653) as a public service to the community. Local history on the Internet! www.shelbycountyhistory.org. Visit the Sidney Daily News website, www.sidneydailynews.com to read the rest of the week’s columns.