Out of the past

125 years

August 10, 1898

The stock sale advertised for the south side of the public square for yesterday was a failure. The worst set of broken-down horses ever seen in Sidney were strung along the hitching rack. Their owners put up some appearance of interest in trading in the forenoon, but soon realized stock on exhibition was not marketable, and lost their interest.

100 years

August 10, 1923

Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hoskins, formerly of this city who have been on the Keith circuit for the past six years, are billed to appear at Piqua’s May’s Opera House on Saturday night of this week. A number of their old friends in Sidney are making arrangements to see them.


H.M. Wright has purchased the barber shop of Herbert Staley and the shoe shining parlor of John Nicholas, which are conducted together on the west side of the square. Nicholas has been established here about six years and Staley opened his barber shop about six months ago. Wright formerly conducted the Majestic Garden confectionery.

75 years

August 10, 1948

Shelby County schools will open Aug. 30 and will be in session until May 20 it was announced today by Dr. Charles McCorkle, county superintendent. Dr. McCorkle stressed that an important reason for the early opening date this year is that spring work on the farms and planting of spring crops require rural pupils to be out of school not much later than May 20.


An imposing array of former softball luminaries, who are still regarded by many observers as the best to come off a local diamond, exhibited surprising form before bowing to Liberty Folder, 4-2 in the annual Old-Timers attraction at Holy Angels field last night. The Old Timer aggregation averaged 43 years of age.

50 years

August 10, 1973

It took three Piqua State Highway patrol cars and a wrecker crew to corral a 225-pound pig early today in the middle of Interstate 75. Patrolmen said the pig must have been “dropped” by someone along the interstate. “They got it in a pickup truck and took it to the body shop and that’s where it is now,” said a patrolman this morning. “There sure was a lot of ham, pork and bacon running loose there for awhile,” he said.

25 years

August 10, 1998

At Anna, Brian Rioch will be the school’s first head football coach and will teach math in grades 9-12. Steve Fark is now the district’s full-time middle school principal. Brenda Littlefield, technology coordinator; Sheila Speckman, computer teacher for grades 6-12; Paul Hohlbein, sixth grade; Sherri Shoemaker, second grade; Kim Swartz, computer technician; and Karen Aumick, part-time vocal music teacher.


Sidney City Council Monday night took the first step in relocating Sidney Municipal Court from the Municipal Building to the Monumental Building. Council authorized City Manager Mike Puckett to enter into negotiations with the Monumental Building Board of Trustees for a long-term lease of the Monumental Building. Plans call for Municipal Court to move at the end of 1999 into the second and third floors. The cost of renovating the building is projected at $2.63 million.

These news items from past issues of the Sidney Daily News are compiled by the Shelby County Historical Society (937-498-1653) as a public service to the community. Local history on the Internet! www.shelbycountyhistory.org. Visit the Sidney Daily News website, www.sidneydailynews.com to read the rest of the week’s columns.