Out of the past

125 years

August 17, 1898

Washington reports the rumor persists that Manila has fallen to United States forces. General Augusti, captain general of the Philippines, has fled aboard a German cruiser to Hong Kong.


The 12-mile handicap bicycle road race tomorrow, under the management of F.O. Routson and Claude Heffelman, promises to be a most successful affair. The race will begin at 1:30 p.m. About 50 entries have been made, including some of the best riders in the state.

100 years

August 17, 1923

A crowd estimated as high as 10,000 persons gathered at the Shelby County fairgrounds last night for the meeting of Klan members and initiation. Although no accurate figures were released, it was reported that some 400 participated in the parade and initiation. Three big fiery crosses were burned in front of the grandstand. White-robed Klansmen directed traffic throughout the grounds, and everything was conducted in an orderly manner.


On Saturday afternoon at 3:30, Earl Briggs, Sidney’s human fly, will climb the Shelby County Building and Loan building. Many have learned that Briggs did this trick last Wednesday but few saw him. He has consented to repeat the act on Saturday.

75 years

August 17, 1948

A window display at the R.E. Wenger Book and Office Supply store, east side of square, is the winner of a second place award given by the G. and C. Merriman Co. in the promotion of Merriman-Webster dictionaries.


E.W. Moon today was named chairman of the three-man Shelby County draft board under the new selective service act. Joslin Stockstill and George Brown were named vice chairman and secretary respectively.

50 years

August 17, 1973

LONDON – Princess Anne celebrated her 23rd birthday Wednesday by winning $50, a silver trophy and a bottle of whisky at the Annick Horse Trials in Irving, Scotland.


Marvin Sollman, secretary of the Shelby County Agricultural Society the past seven years, announced his retirement from that position at a meeting of the board Wednesday night.

25 years

August 17, 1998

Bruce Boyd, president/chief executive officer of Amos Press Inc., has been named the 1998 campaign chair of the Shelby County United Way. The industrial campaign has been divided into large and small manufacturing firms led by Lew Blackford of the West Ohio Development Council, and Jon Baker, president of Sidney Manufacturing Co. The Retail Division will be headed by Cindy Helman, Money Concepts Financial Services. In the Professional Division, Rudy Keister will recruit volunteers to call on attorneys, accountants, architects, engineers, insurance, real estate and veterinarians. Health-care solicitations will be led by Tom Boecker, president/chief executive officer of Wilson Memorial Hospital. Michael Puckett, Sidney city manager, will lead the public service employees. Not-for-profit agencies will be called on by Dennis Ruble with public and private agency solicitation. Mary Loy Holly, Shelby County Educational Service Center superintendent, will organize the city, county and private school account calls. Special Gifts Division leader is Paul Gahagan, retired owner of Ruese Insurance Co.

These news items from past issues of the Sidney Daily News are compiled by the Shelby County Historical Society (937-498-1653) as a public service to the community. Local history on the Internet! www.shelbycountyhistory.org. Visit the Sidney Daily News website, www.sidneydailynews.com to read the rest of the week’s columns.