Sidney BOE approves armed response plan


SIDNEY — An armed response plan was adopted by the Sidney City Schools Board of Education duing its meeting Monday night. The details of the plan were not released to ensure the safety of the district’s staff and students.

The board accepted the resignation of tacher raqel Martin, effective June 1, 2026. The resignatins of Kevin Shoffner, custodian, and Jason Kelly, maintenance, were also accepted.

Elisabeth Palme received a one-year contact as a substittue teacher at $110 per day. Classified employees receiving a one-year contract were Bill Blosser, van driver, $14.95 per hour; Jennifer Fiesthler and Patricia Hill, Lathkey aides, $11.45 per hour.

Classified substitutes receiving one-year contracts were Jessia Wright, Christina Meyers and Deborah Goins, substitute cooks, $11.05 per hour.

Supplemental contracts for the fall season were approved by the board. Bret Bickel and Stacey Goffena received assistant athletic director contracts. Bickel will be paid $12,617, while Goffena will receive $10,135. Ashley Swiger will be the head competition cheer coach at Sidney High School. She will be paid $6,308. The head sideline cheer coach is Kristen Morgan at a salary of $4,206. The junior varsity cheerleading coach Amber Goffena will be paid $2,103.

Ken Kellner, head cross country coach, will be paid $7,528. Stacy Dietz, Sidney Middle School cross country coach, will be paid $1,472. David Taynor is the new head football coach. He will be paid $9,715. Assistant SHS football coaches are Terry Ward, $5,762; Benjamin Phelps, $3,785; Kyle Shoffner, $3,785; Derrick Linneman, $4,626; and Michael Tyler, $5,762. The freshman football coaches are Nathan Christian, who will be paid $3,364; and Joseph Stockton, who will be paid $4,416. The SMS football coaches are Jalen Herd, $2,734; Nathan Arling, $1,893; Bryan Herd, $3,953; and Josh Elmore, $3,953. The strength coach for the fall is Kyle Coleman, who will be paid $2,229.

The head soccer coach for the boys team is Jamie Fridley, who will be paid $5,888. The junior varsity boys soccer coach is Geoge Miu, who will be paid $4,416.The freshman/varsity assistant boys soccer coach is Jason Snider, who will be paid $2.103.

The head soccer coach for the girls team is Kevin Veroneau, who will be paid $6,182. The junior varsity girls soccer coach is Taylor Ratcliffe, who will be paid $2,734.

The head volleyball coach is Dexter Tobie, who will be paid $7,150. The junior varsity volleyball coach is Jenna Mounts, who will receive $2,734. The freshman/varsity assistant volleyball coach Cara Alexander will be paid $2,103. The SMS volleyball coaches are Payton Boshears, $1,893, and Allie Herrick, $2,734.

The head boys golf coach is Thomas Goffena, $6,182. The head girls golf coach is Joe Spangle, $6,182. The assistant golf coach for both the boys and girls teams is Lawrence Jurosic, who will be paid $2,944. The head tennis coach for the girls team is Donovan Gregory, $6,182.

The head softball coach is Trevor Nenninger, who will be paid $6,308. The head baseball coach is Ryan Townsend, who will paid $5,047.

Negotiated stipends for staff members include:

• Phonics First, 5 days, $500 each, Kelly Bickford, Kay Straman, Kristen Nelson, Lisa Carey, Gabriel Olberding, Matthew Burden, Danielle Kunk, Holly Green, Rebecca Knapke, Leah Fullenkamp, Hanna Tenkman, Tricia Peters, Bridget McLain, Kayla Haynes, Melissa McClain, Stacey Windle, Laura Schwein, Kristina Ludy, Krista Hensley, Michelle Rudasill, Erica Turner, Kimbely Marquez, Jaime Miller, Margaret “Peggy” Jacob, Dawn Ocke, Melissa Rice, Maria Kinninger, Linda Ahrens, Kate Geissel Norviel, Ashley Swiger, Brandi Clune, Julie Henman and Sandy Piatt.

• Bridges, 1 day, $100 each, Ethan Pleiman, Logan Bodemiller, Holly (Green) Connors, Rebecca Knapke, Hanna Tenkman, Wendy Humble and Stacy Hahn.

• Phonics Dance, 1 day, $100 each, Carrie Lament, Lindsay Geuy, Amy McGill, Kelly Linn, Emilie Dotson, Carrie Clark, Chelsae Wise, Morgan Goffena, Kayla Keaton, Amy McGill and Kate Cook; and Midwest Regional Education Service Center employees, Tricia Zimmerman, Dora Tracey, Joanna Hostetler and Amy Cook.

• mCLASS Reading Train-the-Trainer, 1 day, $100 each; Jill Hanke, Linda Ahrens, Kristen Nelson, Nichole Inman, Michelle Rudasill, Amy Baldauf, Kerri Cotterman, Laura Schwein, Stacy Hahn, Wendy Humble, Laura Jones and Kris Lundy.

• mCLASS Math Train-the-Trainer, 1 day, $100 each; Jill Hanke, Linda Ahrens, Kristen Nelson, Nichole Inman, Michelle Rudasill, Amy Baldauf, Kerri Cotterman, Laura Schwein, Stacy Hahn, Wendy Humble and Polly Kemper.

• AIR Childcare Communicable Diseases Refresher, 1/2 day, $50; Kelly Linn, Lindsay Geuy, Amy McGill and Carrie Clark.

• AIR Childcare Communicable Diseases Initial, 1 day, $100; Kate Cook, Emilie Dotson, Chelsae Wise and Carrie Lament, and MRESC employees Tricia Zimmerman and Dora Tracy.

In other business, the board:

• Appointed Nicki New as the school board representative and Greg Dickman as the alternate to the Ohio School Boards Association Annual Business Meeting.

• Approved the transfers of $150,000 from the general fund to termination benefits fund; $1,736,200 from the general fund to the permanent improvement fund for use for buses, $100,000, high school gym, $275,000, high school/elementary flooring, $420,250; roof replacements, $150,000, high school brick tuck pointing, $65,000; paving projects, $110,950; asset refresh, $365,000, and general expenditures, $250,000.

• Approved purchased service agreements with the MRESC for an intervention specialist, $126,932,94; instructional technology coach, $92,107.74; K-2 technology specials instructor, $101,543.21; van driver services, $19.76 per hour; bus aide services, $24.41 per hour; vision impaired services, $24,630.

• Approved an agreement with the Montgomery County Educational Service Center to provide educational assessment team services at a cost of $150 per hour.

• Approved an updated school psychology graduate assistantship contract with the University of Dayton from August 2023 to May 2024 at a cost of $24,912.

• Renewed an agreement with Key Behavior Services at a cost $18,225.

• Renewed an agreement with Kenjoh Outdoor LLC for digital billboard advertising at a cost of $13,680.

• Approved a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to the Sidney Education Association agreement for the addition of a SMS Builders Club advisor for the 2023-24 school year.

• Approved bus stops for the school year.

• Heard the legislative report from board member Greg Dickman

• Heard the Upper Valley Career Center report from board member Michele Lott.

• Went into executive session to discuss security arrangements and protocols for the district.

• Went into executive session to evaluate the superintendent and treasurer.

The board’s next meeting will be Sept. 18 at 6 p.m. at the board office.

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