Out of the past

125 years

August 24, 1898

Oil well No. 2 of the Home Oil Company on the Louis Zaenglen farm in McLean Township came in as a dry hole at a depth of 1,362 feet.


A large barn belonging to Henry McCracken, in Orange Township, two miles east of Kirkwood, was destroyed by fire this morning about 1 o’clock. The farm had been purchased by McCracken last spring and was occupied by Perry Howell. Along with other things in the barn that were lost, six head of horses died in the blaze.

100 years

August 24, 1923

Sidney was without time for about a day, the court house clock stopping at 20 minutes to 11 in the morning. In making repairs, it was found that a plant had fallen over against the weights.


Members of the football squad for the coming season were out for their first practice last night and went through two hours of hard drilling. The team has better material this year than for some time and with the proper amount of practice should be able to stop the best of the semi-pro teams.

75 years

August 24, 1948

Hardin rural school will open for the 1948-49 term on Sept. 7, it was announced today by Max Michael, principal of the school.


By a unanimous vote, members of city council at their meeting last night gave approval to a resolution to place a five-year, half-mill levy for cemetery operations on the November ballot.

50 years

August 24, 1973

LOS ANGELES – Gen. Omar N. Bradley, 80, the nation’s only living five star general, has been removed from the intensive care unit following continued improvement from emergency surgery last week, the UCLA Medical Center announced. He was hospitalized Aug. 13 for blood clots on the lung.

25 years

August 24, 1998

Personnel employed by the Shelby County Educational Service Center were: Elaine Luchini, multi-handicapped teacher, Lynn Turner, half-time learning disabilities teacher, Deb Willoughby, director of curriculum and instruction, and Anna Marie Micco, instructional assistant.


Adams Funeral Home plans to move from its downtown Sidney location to a new structure to be constructed along Fairington Drive, owner Mark Adams said. The funeral services operation has outgrown its longtime location at 201 N. Main Ave., Adams said.

These news items from past issues of the Sidney Daily News are compiled by the Shelby County Historical Society (937-498-1653) as a public service to the community. Local history on the Internet! www.shelbycountyhistory.org. Visit the Sidney Daily News website, www.sidneydailynews.com to read the rest of the week’s columns.