Out of the past

125 years

August 30, 1898

Lieut. Emerson V. Moore and Capt. W.D. Gilfillen, both of this city and both prominent members of the Knights of the Golden Eagle, left this afternoon for Ironton to attend the annual meeting of the Grand Castle, Knights of the Golden Eagle.


The score of the ball game Saturday at Anna between the team from this city and the Anna team was 34 to 1 in favor of Anna. The pitcher and four other members of the Wapakoneta salaried club players with Anna.

100 years

August 30, 1923

Barnyard golf will be one of the features of the entertainment being planned for the Labor Day celebration at Port Jefferson. The famous war horses of Green and Perry townships will be there in force. Mayor Hunt, of Swanders, has promised to bring his unbeatable aggregation.


A new club, the Alpha Beta, was organized last evening among girls who will be seniors this fall at Sidney High school. The club is to be a secret organization and the members are planning to make it very interesting.

75 years

August 30, 1948

“Christian Roman’s Tombstone” was the subject of the sermon Sunday morning by Rev. John W. Meister in the First Presbyterian Church as he gave the answer of a Christian minister to the agnostic philosophy recently revealed by C.H. Roman with his Graceland cemetery monument dedicated to agnosticism. Rev. Meister noted that he conferred with Mr. Roman several times during preparation of the sermon.

50 years

August 30, 1973

Plans for the transfer of what is known as the Ross Building, at 220 South Ohio Avenue, to the Peoples Federal Savings and Loan Association from Amos Press Inc., on or before Dec. 31, 1974, were revealed today. The joint announcement for the eventual transfer of the property was made by Joseph B. Cook, president of the financial firm, and J. Oliver Amos, president of the publishing company.

25 years

August 30, 1998

PITTSBURGH (AP) – Even though users of the Internet tend to dwell in its social corners – chat rooms and e-mail – they feel more depressed and lonely the more time they spend online, a study suggests. The groundbreaking study surprised even its authors, led by Robert Kraut, a social psychology professor at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. One reason for the negative effect may have been that using the Internet left less time for the deeper relationships of friends and family, he suggested.

These news items from past issues of the Sidney Daily News are compiled by the Shelby County Historical Society (937-498-1653) as a public service to the community. Local history on the Internet! www.shelbycountyhistory.org. Visit the Sidney Daily News website, www.sidneydailynews.com to read the rest of the week’s columns.