Out of the past

125 years ago

September 5, 1898

William Shine, of this city, has been selected a member of the State Democratic Executive committee by the Sate Democratic Central committee, receiving the unanimous vote of the members of the latter. Mr. Shine has been a great worker in the Democratic party for many years and is thoroughly posted on the politics of Ohio.


Dr. E.S. Cox, superintendent of the Sidney schools, arrived here last evening to resume his duties, after spending the summer vacation at his home in Belpre, Washington county.


Dr. J.A. Throckmorton, of this city, has been appointed aide-de-camp on the staff of David F. Pugh, department commander, G.A.R. of Ohio, with orders to report to headquarters at Cincinnati immediately.

100 years ago

September 5, 1923

Two Sidney girls, Misses Harriet Cummings, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Cummins, West South street, and Helen Louise Lyon, grand-daughter of Mrs. O.J. Taylor, South Ohio avenue, on a trip around the world, are known to be in the danger zone in the vicinity of Yokohama, Japan, the earthquake stricken city, and relatives have expressed concern as to their safety.


It is estimated that at least 5000 persons attended the annual celebration and homecoming at Port Jefferson yesterday. A splendid program had been prepared for the day’s festivities and the day was a most pleasant one.


When “Scrubby” Cowan opened the Refiners Oil station at the corner of Walnut avenue and Court street for business early today he discovered the back door of the building had been broken open and the safe carried away. Apparently the robbers were frightened away before they could get the safe open. It was found unopened at the rear of the Klipstine Lumber Co.

75 years ago

September 5, 1948

Deputy registrars for the issuance of drivers’ licenses for Shelby county were announced today by Edward J. Fogo, state registrar of motor vehicles. The list includes: AAA, C.L. Seving, executive secretary; court house, Sidney, Harold C. Cooper, Anna; Edison Snyder, Botkins; Florence Hilgefort, Fort Loramie; J.R. Morris, Jackson Center, and Roswena Rosell, Lockington. Licenses go on sale Sept. 7.


Two Shelby county communities will hold homecoming celebrations this weekend. Port Jefferson will open its celebration Saturday evening with activities running through Labor Day. Russia has planned an elaborate program for Sunday and Monday.

50 years ago

September 5, 1973

Historical buffs attended the official opening of the Fort Loramie museum last weekend. The town’s Historical Society organized the museum which features a dress and hatmaker’s shop, saloon from Canal Days, a general store and other attractions. Weather for the opening was perfect with high in the 90s.


Linda Jo Knoop, R.R. 1, Sidney, had the reserve Jersey Junior champion at the Ohio State Fair in Columbus Friday. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Knoop.


COLUMBUS – The Ohio State Fair closed its doors Monday night after seeing a record of more than 2.2 million visitors pass through the gates.

25 years ago

September 5, 1998

Eric Barr, 21, returned home to Sidney after spending August 1997 to July 1998 studying overseas. Barr’s junior year at Ohio State was actually spent at the University of Hamburg in northern Germany.


The Sidney High boys golf team resumed play for the first time since an automobile accident claimed the life of player Brett Smith. “It was tough, but it was god to get back on track,” said Sidney coach Dave King. Sidney beat Fairlawn 162-193, with Brad Goffena and Brad Goble each shooting 39. Mitch Harlamert had a 40, Jeff Hodges 44 and Todd Heckman 45.

These news items from past issues of the Sidney Daily News are compiled by the Shelby County Historical Society (937-498-1653) as a public service to the community. Local history on the Internet! www.shelbycountyhistory.org. Visit the Sidney Daily News website, www.sidneydailynews.com to read the rest of the week’s columns.