By Kimberly Pistone
For the Sidney Daily News

SIDNEY – The Shelby County Land Reutilization Corp. (Land Bank) discussed the status of properties at a meeting on Sept. 19.

According to Director Doug Ahler’s report, the Land Bank has acquired 115 units, with 73 being disposed of using various means. There are currently three residential properties in foreclosure, two in Sidney and one in Port Jefferson. There is one property in Sidney that will be demolished once monies are available. One property was donated at the end of the month by the owner after the estate was settled. One property will be rehabilitated and then sold. There is a house on Miami Street that has been identified as a possible acquisition. The Land Bank continues to try and connect with the owner.

Everything at the Wagner property is still on track to be completed by Dec. 23. The EPA inspectors have been verifying that the demolitions are being done according to regulations. There are some questions regarding disposal of the windows, and the EPA is working with the contractors on exactly how to safely do this. Additionally, since students are cutting across the property the board will erect “No Trespassing” signs. The board is also working with the subcontractors and CSX railroad so as to not infringe of railroad property during the demolition process. Ahlers and city of Sidney Development Director Barbara Dulworth meet biweekly to coordinate this project.

The Land Bank continues to apply for grants and search for additional funding. The current balance at the end of August was $596,613.31, of which $200,000 is a loan from the Shelby County Commissioners.

Due to the likely lack of a quorum for the October meeting, there will be no October meeting. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, Nov. 21, at 1:30 p.m. in the Commissioners’ meeting room.