Out of the past

125 Years

October 27, 1898

Dr. M.F. Hussey, George Ackerley and W.C. Wyman went to Lima this morning to attend the conference of the boards of health of Allen, Auglaize, Logan, Mercer, Shelby, and Darke counties held there today to consider steps to prevent the spread of smallpox which has become a problem in Auglaize and Allen counties.


Capt. W.A. Skillen today received the bill of lading for 34 headstones from the United States Quartermaster’s headquarters at Rutland, Vt. The headstones will arrive in a few days and will be placed over the graves of old soldiers buried in this county. It is expected another lot of headstones will be received later. Mr. Skillen first made application for these stones about two years ago.


Mesdames O.J. Taylor, A.W. Reddish, R.O. Bingham, F.M. McCaslin, W.R. Wyman and Misses Delia Amos, Alice Graham, Gertrude Hatfield, and Jennie Hitchcock went to Columbus this morning to attend the meeting of the State Federation of Women’s Clubs being held in that city.

100 Years

October 27, 1923

An enthusiastic meeting was held at the mayor’s office last evening, having as its object the creation of interest and the securing of additional membership for the local military company. A committee composed of mayor Trout, Emerson Deam, Peter Cardone and R.W. Barber was appointed to have charge of raising funds for a dinner to be given members of the company and their friends at Thanksgiving.


The Shelby County Motor Club warned today there is a heavy coating of fresh tar on the Dixie highway, north of Sidney, extending from a short distance north of Anna south to the detour at the Finkenbine school house. A detour by way of McCartyille and State Route 54 (St. Marys pike) is recommended.


Members of the Cultural Reading Club celebrated the 10th anniversary of the club’s existence with a party last evening. Members, accompanied by their husbands, motored to the Retter Tea Room in Piqua for a 6:30 p.m. dinner. The affair was planned by Mrs. Flinn Rickey, Mrs. George Lohmire, and Mrs. Harrison Piper.

75 Years

October 27, 1948

Additional plans for the town meeting to be held at the Sidney High school stadium on the Monday evening preceding the election were completed at a dinner meeting of the committee held last evening under the chairmanship of Dr. Walter Dickhaut. One of the highlights of the evening is support of the school bond issue will be the appearance of Peter Grant, WLW commentator who will make two broadcasts from Sidney.


Optimism was expressed today over the rural organizations of the Shelby County community chest campaign and its 1949 goal. Ralph Wiessinger, campaign chairman, reports that Russell Borland, rural chairman, has developed an organization that has 100 percent acceptance by all workers.


Wonder Inn, located north of Sidney on the Dixie Highway, has been purchased by John S. Hamaker, of 811 Second avenue. In making announcement of the purchase today, Hamaker said the inn will continue to serve meals and short orders 24 hours a day.

50 Years

October 27, 1973

The Charity League met Wednesday evening for dinner at the Holiday Inn. Installation of officers was held.

Mrs. Virgil Valentine, outgoing president, welcomed Mrs. Donald Strausser, president for the coming year.


The Wilson Memorial Hospital Auxiliary met Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. at the northtown branch of the First National Exchange Bank

Officers were elected for 1974-75. They were Mrs. Roger McGee, president; Mrs. David Romer, first vice president; Mrs. Ruth Hatfield, second Vice president; Mrs. Bert Heck, third vice president; Mrs. R.L. Piehl, recording secretary; Mrs. Viola Kerg, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Lowell Fowble, treasurer.

25 Years

October 27, 1998

LUCASVILLE, Ohio – First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton will be the drawing-card for the Get-out-the-vote rally Sunday afternoon in Athens, the campaign Rep. Ted Strickland said Tuesday.


Bridgeview Middle School students who are members of the Pioneer Team will go “shuterbugging” as they walk through downtown Sidney on Thursday from 8 to 10:30 a.m. and from 11:45 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Students will photograph, investigate, describe and analyze different sites in the downtown in preparation for developing a brochure which will be distributed to students at Bridgview.


Two nights of this year’s November Victorian Evening at the Greatstone Castle have already sold out, with three weeks to go before the annual Shelby County Historical Society holiday activities at the home of the late Mr. and Mrs. W.H.C. Goode.

These news items from past issues of the Sidney Daily News are compiled by the Shelby County Historical Society (937-498-1653) as a public service to the community. Local history on the Internet! www.shelbycountyhistory.org. Visit the Sidney Daily News website, www.sidneydailynews.com to read the rest of the week’s columns.