Out of the past

125 Years

November 2, 1898

The general orders for the reorganization of the Ohio National Guard have been sent to the commanding officers of all companies. The order provides that upon the muster out of the United States services, the guards will return to duty in the service of the state and stand in the same relation as when mustered into the Volunteer Army of the United States. All officers and men return to duty in the grade held prior to muster into service.


The first annual ball given at the armory last evening by the Sidney Pole and Shaft Mutual Aid Association was a success. There were about 100 couples in the grand march. Music was furnished by the Reed band.

100 Years

November 2, 1923

Five bond issues will be presented to the voters of Sidney when they go to the polls next Tuesday. Two of the issues will be to provide funds ($15,350 and $4,800) for the paving of streets in the city, while another would provide for the widening of the North Street canal bridge at a cost of $10,700. A fourth proposal would be for issuance of $20,000 in bonds for construction of an incinerator, with the fifth issue calling for $1,000 for street signs in the city.


Clarence Elliott employed by the Walsh Construction Co. on the new bridge at the south edge of the city, fell from one of the trestles yesterday. His injuries were not as serious as was first thought.


Germany is reported on the eve of civil war between the north and south. Call for a march on Berlin is momentarily expected from Adolph Hitler, the Bavarian fascist leader.

75 Years

November 2, 1948

When voters of the Sidney City School District on Tuesday turned down the proposed $1,478,000 school bond issue by a margin of 1,210 votes short of the required 65 per cent favorable majority needed, they placed a difficult problem in the lap of the Sidney Board of Education. School officials noted this morning that there are no funds available for modernizing the present school buildings.


Shelby County went Democratic in a big way at the election yesterday as President Truman, Governor Lausche and every other candidate running with opposition under the Democratic roster was given the nod of victory by the voters who set an unofficial record by casting 13,103 votes. Shelby County was assured of a new sheriff in the person of Robert Gearhart and two new commissioners, Earl Wooddell and Arthur Zimpfer.

50 Years

November 2, 1973

The Sidney-Shelby County Family YMCA cornerstone ceremony is set for Sunday at 2 p.m. at the building site on Parkwood Street in north Sidney.

A proof set of 1973 U.S. coins will be part of the items to be placed in the cornerstone. The coins have been presented to the YMCA by the Shelby County Coin Club.


Citizens Baughman National Bank opened its fifth branch in Shelby County Tuesday. It is the Sidney West Branch, located off Ohio 47 West, just west of Interstate 75.

The one-story brick structure includes five tellers’ windows, two offices, vault, work room, safety deposit boxes and a night depository, according to Donald Fogt, executive vice president.

Prior to the branch opening, the bank conducted its operations from a mobile home on the site.

25 Years

November 2, 1998

The Gateway Arts Council will be sponsored a Christmas tour of historical homes and castles in Sidney. Coordinator of the project will be Louise Koenig. Board president Scott Parsons gave a report on the search for a new director. Interim director Sherrie Cased Lodge is currently filling the post. The former director was Mardie Milligan. She will be honored for her many contributions.


The City of Sidney is reviewing the budget numbers for the next year- 1999, and the numbers are not pretty. The cost of health insurance will increase by 15% according to City Manager Mike Puckett. The city will be paying out over $200,000 in separation payments to retiring city workers. The entire budget will be in excess of $27 million.

These news items from past issues of the Sidney Daily News are compiled by the Shelby County Historical Society (937-498-1653) as a public service to the community. Local history on the Internet! www.shelbycountyhistory.org. Visit the Sidney Daily News website, www.sidneydailynews.com to read the rest of the week’s columns.