Out of the past

125 years

November 6, 1898

A meeting of about 50 of the young men of the city was held at the high school gymnasium last evening for the purpose of organizing a Young Men’s Athletic Association. An organization was perfected and the following officers elected: Karl Young, president; Frank Hussey, first vice president; Joe Brandt, second vice president; James Sollenberger, secretary and Walter Pfefferle, treasurer.


During the storm on Saturday, the smoke stack at the Pole and Shaft factory was blown down.

Capt. W. A. Skillen listed today the names and identifications that appear on the headstone markers he recently recovered from the United States Government. The headstones are for soldiers buried in this county. There are 36 names on the first list.

100 Years

November 6, 1923

Roy Bland, the Republican candidate for mayor of Sidney at the election yesterday, proved himself a real vote getter and as a result succeeded in unseating the present incumbent, E.E. Trout, by a majority of 168 votes. In other city races, Auditor Henry Shaffer was re-elected over Ralph Tennery by 105 votes while Wallace McClure defeated Grover C. Timeus for city treasurer by 47 votes. Harley Baker was elected a councilman-at-large for the sixth time.


Sidney voters turned thumbs down on all but one of the five bond issues appearing on the ballot at Tuesday’s election. The closest vote was on the North Street bridge widening which was defeated by 48 votes. Snowed under were two street paving issues and proposal for an incinerator. Approved by an almost two-to-one vote was a $1,000 bond issue for street naming identification.

75 Years

November 6, 1948

Letter after letter continues to pour into Sidney and Shelby County, the message expressing thanks for the food packages sent into the allied occupied portion of German during the “Neighbors in Action” project sponsored here during the past year. Evidencing personal feelings resulting from this project, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Frey, South Ohio Avenue, today received a coin collection and plate fabricated for the Centennial of the Nurenburg railroad from a family whose home had been bombed three times.


Fenton M. Collier was named worshipful master of Temperance Lodge when members met this week. He succeeds William O. Shreves. Serving with Collier will be Kenneth S. Bogart, senior warden; Clarence Zwiebel, junior warden; Herman Schlagetter, secretary; Glenn Heldebrand, treasurer; Harley Clark, senior deacon; Ralph Harrod, junior deacon and Charles Osborne, tyler.

50 Years

November 6, 1973

It wasn’t in the script, but a flip of a coin will be needed to determine Sidney’s next Second Ward City Councilman.

Incumbent Paul Koerner and opponent Roger Burch each received 486 votes in Tuesday’s election results.

There was only one other contest in council’s seven positions. Newcomer Gary Van Fossen defeated incumbent Ellis Runyon Jr. by an unofficial margin of 61 votes, 274 to 213.


Mrs. Imogene Zimpher, Main Street, Pemberton, is $600 richer after having registered for the lucky barrel at Dorsey’s Downtowne Store and having her name drawn.

25 Years

November 6, 1998

The Sidney police received a call about a girl sitting on the edge of the Big Four Bridge threatening to jump to her death. The first officers arriving on the scene could not solve the problem as the girl refused to talk to them. The call was made to Sidney police detective Jerry Dembski. After an hour and twenty minutes patiently talking to her, Dembski achieved success. The young lady relented and was taken to safety. His heroic efforts earned him a special commendation award presented by city council.


The Lady Cavs volleyball team is perfectly position for a state tournament run. The 25-2 team, coached by Greg Snipes, is poised to make it to the state tournament. The school was assigned to Division III this year, up from Division IV.

These news items from past issues of the Sidney Daily News are compiled by the Shelby County Historical Society (937-498-1653) as a public service to the community. Local history on the Internet! www.shelbycountyhistory.org. Visit the Sidney Daily News website, www.sidneydailynews.com to read the rest of the week’s columns.