Fort Loramie students honor veterans


FORT LORAMIE — The annual Veterans Day program at Fort Loramie High School was held on Thursday, Nov. 9. The day began with breakfast being served to the veterans and their guests that was offered by the school’s National Honor Society.

The assembly is planned and executed by the Old School History Club and it featured the club’s version of a White Table Ceremony. Regularly the White Table Ceremony keys in on POW-MIA veterans, but the version shared at the assembly expanded the traditional ceremony to include all veterans with various symbols to tie all veterans together.

The Chained Eagles of Ohio were special guests and helped provide an appropriate backdrop to the presentation as their Ohio Wall displays the names of those who were POW-MIA during the Vietnam War. Tom Vernon, a Vietnam Era veteran and member of the Chained Eagles, spoke during the assembly to explain the complex stories of those soldiers who were taken as prisoners during war or who went missing in action.

There were 89 veterans in attendance for the program. Abby Wrasman was the youngest as she is currently in the US Army Reserves. She got to share the day with her grandfather Kenneth Wrasman, who was in attendance as well as a veteran of the National Guard. The oldest veteran in attendance was Vernon Eilerman, who is 95. He was one of six Korean War veterans in attendance.

The assembly brings students from kindergarten through 12th grade together to celebrate Veterans Day and it is also open to community members as well. It has become a tradition and way to bring the community together. Students get to see the men and women who have served and it is a way to show appreciation as well as learn the lessons of service and sacrifice.

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