Anna councilmember resigns

By Charlotte Caldwell

[email protected]

ANNA – Anna Village Councilmember Gary Strasser resigned with two years left on his term after the council meeting on Dec. 12.

At the Jan. 9 meeting, councilmembers voted on who will fill Strasser’s remaining two years. Former Anna Mayor Mark Pulfer and Carol Ferguson wrote letters of interest for the position, and the councilmembers unanimously voted for Pulfer to take the seat.

Councilmember Darla Bender’s partial term also ended in 2023. She did not run for the seat again. Kristin Johnson was the only one who ran for the four-year term and she received the position.

Other council business from Nov. 14, 2023, to Jan. 9, 2024, included:

Nov. 14, 2023

• Franklin Township did not get with the village about extending fire protection.

• The village needs at least 247 responses for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG).

• Madison Brinkman did not renew her contract as village solicitor. The contract expired at the end of 2023.

• Council approved a request from Lizi Nebieridze, an exchange student from Anna High School, to refinish the alphabet blocks at the park as a volunteer project.

• Council approved splitting lots 748 and 749.

Nov. 28, 2023

• A citizen was concerned about feral cats within the village. Shelby County does not have a trap, neuter, release (TNR) program, so animal control can’t assist. The Anna Police Department has three traps for residents, then the police department will take the cat to a farm outside of town.

• There was a first reading of a resolution requiring construction and repair of certain sidewalks and curbs in the village.

• Council adopted a resolution authorizing the village administrator to enter into an agreement with Stolly Insurance Group and the Ohio Plan for insurance coverage from Nov. 28, 2023, to Nov. 28, 2024.

• Council adopted a resolution setting temporary appropriations for the village for fiscal year 2024.

• Village administrator William Kessler said the owner of 302 S. Pike St. has no intention to do any repairs to the property. The total cost of the pickleball courts will be $84,000. Kessler reached out to a solicitor in Wapakoneta who is currently the solicitor for Jackson Center to fill the vacant spot.

• Council approved the appointment of probationary firefighter Bryce Swank of Botkins.

• Council approved to sell the red bucket truck on GovDeals for $500.

Dec. 12, 2023

• Council adopted the sidewalk resolution from Nov. 28.

• Police Chief Darrin Goudy presented Pulfer with an appreciation plaque for his eight years as mayor.

• Franklin Township signed a fire contract with Sidney.

• Council approved ending the contract with Stan Crosley & Associates who was helping hire and train the village administrator.

• The village held a bid opening for the heavy rescue truck for the fire department. There was one bidder at $998,000. After Kessler’s review of the documentation, the bid had to be thrown out. There was a conflict within the wording and supplemental documents cannot be accepted after the sealed bid deadline. There is an additional $55,000 that could be added to the total of the unit and the approval process was not listed correctly. Councilmember Ken Aselage recommended allowing additional documents to be accepted after the bid deadline. Kessler explained the bidding process. Aselage requested an emergency bid. Kessler stated the bid process needs to start over according to audit standards that have to be followed. The company that submitted the bid understood their mistake.

• Council approved the 2024 pay periods.

• Council approved moving forward with a $15,000 grant available through BWC with a $0 match for the fire department. Turnout gear is an approved purchase through BWC

• Council approved village dental, vision and life insurance policy rates for 2024.

Jan. 9, 2024

• Council adopted an ordinance authorizing the execution of an interlocal agreement between the village and the board of directors of the North Central Ohio Solid Waste Management District and consenting to the district’s agreement with Republic Services for waste and recycling within the village.

• Public works employees are looking to hire another employee with one being let go during their probationary period.

• New body cameras were implemented at the police department.

• The village is still looking for a solicitor. Kessler was waiting to hear back from two firms, and other firms are not taking on new municipalities.

• Council approved the rules of council.

• Council approved Aselage for council president — Aselage voted no.

• Council approved applying for an EPA grant of up to $70,000 to be used to purchase brine equipment for the roads.

The next Anna Village Council meeting will be held on Feb. 13 at 7 p.m. in the Village Hall’s council chambers.