Out of the past: May 11

125 Years ago

May 11, 1899

N.C. DeWeese and Son, who have recently added a fine line of house furnishing goods to their dry goods store, invited the public to visit the department last night. Hundreds of people visited the store and passed through the basement where the new line is situated. The basement was decorated with palms and presented a beautiful appearance.


The Klute band gave the first of their regular weekly concerts in the courthouse square last evening. That the concerts will be as popular this year as in former years was evidenced by the large crowd on the streets last night to enjoy the music. They will give a concert each week until next fall

100 Years ago

May 11, 1924

By a vote of four to three the daylight saving time proposition, about which there has been so much talk during the past few days, was turned down flat by members of city council at their meeting last evening. At a former meeting, a petition had been presented to council, signed by all the leading manufacturing concerns of the city, and the vote that had been taken in the various plants which showed a large majority in favor of the proposition.


Two men were killed last evening about 9 o’clock when the wooden trestle work at the west end of the new Big Four railroad bridge in the south end of the city went down under the load of 10 dump cars hauling dirt into the fill. The cars ripped out about 125 feet of the temporary wooden trestle and dropped about 60 feet. Both victims were employees of the Walsh Construction Co., one from Joplin, Mo. and the other from Rocky Mount, Va.

75 Years ago

May 11, 1949

Two contracts on a trunk line sewer extension were approved by members of the city utilities board at their meeting last evening in the city building. The extension will run from the intersection of East avenue and the canal in a northeasterly direction, terminating at Johnston drive.


The secretary of state today announced the incorporation of the Boblit Folder Co., with 100 shares of stock with a par value of $100. Incorporators are Harry Boblit, Sr., Harry Boblit, Jr., M.E. Musser, John C. Blakely. Harry Boblit, Sr. was listed as agent.

50 years ago

May 11, 1974

Houston and rookie Sidney fire-fighters were in for a surprise during a recent practice session. When the outer covering of a house burned off, a 130-year old cabin was revealed. The structure, located near the Darke-Shelby County line, was owned by Allen A. Barlage, R.R. 1, Houston.


BOTKINS-Julie Doseck of the Botkins chapter of Future Homemakers of America has been elected as a 1974-1975 state FHA officer. She is the state vice president of program planning.

25 Years ago

May 11, 1999

Sidney’s state liquor store will be located in The Pharm, 1560 Michigan St. The store was previously located in Big Bear grocery store, which closed in March. Sidney City Council learned at Monday’s meeting that the Division of Liquor Control is considering entering into a contract with Buckeye Discount, Inc., parent firm of The Pharm, for a liquor agency. City Council took no action on the license.


HOUSTON – The recently finished signature quilt was displayed at the April meeting of the Ladies Aid Society of the Houston Congregational Christian Church. Each church family furnished their own block, and Aid members stitched the quilt in celebration of the 150th anniversary of the church’s founding. President Bertha Ganger opened the meeting.

These news items from past issues of the Sidney Daily News are compiled by the Shelby County Historical Society (937-498-1653) as a public service to the community. Local history on the Internet! www.shelbycountyhistory.org. Visit the Sidney Daily News website, www.sidneydailynews.com to read the rest of the week’s columns.