Out of the past: May 21

125 Years ago

May 21, 1899

At the regular meeting of council last evening, Mayor Nessler recommended the following for policemen: William O’Leary, George Schneeberger, and Jacob Eisenstein. They were confirmed separately and without opposition with the exception of Eisenstein, Stowell voting against his confirmation. Policemen Schiff and Cartwright will retire.


Considerable interest was taken in the Republican ward primaries last evening to select delegates to the Republican county convention. Activity was occasioned by the desire on the part of the Foraker and Hanna factions of the party to secure delegates and control the convention. The Foraker people landed their tickets in First, Second and Fourth Wards and Clinton township. The Hanna people landed their ticket in the Third Ward

100 Years ago

May 21, 1974

It is the intention to have the daylight saving time go into effect in Sidney at midnight Saturday night. In order that everyone will arise Sunday with the daylight plan in effect, citizens should turn their clocks ahead one hour Saturday night. Western Union clocks will be changed at midnight.


With confusion on time still apparent, a number of the churches in the city will remain on Central Standard time for services Sunday. The statement issued in this connection noted “this course is deemed wise until a final agreement is reached officially in the city.”


The Willman Brothers store at Fort Loramie was broken into last night and robbers got away with $200 worth of men’s suits.


In the annual oratorical contest of the Franklin Literary Society of Ohio Northern University at Ada, C.H. Roman, of this county, a student in the law department, was awarded second prize of $10. His oration was on the subject, “The Cancer of Civilization,” the tobacco habit

75 Years ago

May 21, 1949

Attention of city council was called to the Sidney firemen’s pension fund by R.E. Boller when he appeared before council at its meeting last evening asking that more money be appropriated for the purpose. Boller stated it is doubtful whether funds on hand at the present time will last throughout the year. The sum of $748.50 per month is being paid out of the fund at present.


Betty Ratermann, a senior, has been elected at Holy Angels High school to reign as queen at the upcoming Junior- Senior Prom.

50 Years ago

May 21, 1974

Long grass towers above graves at Sidney’s Graceland Cemetery. A complaint of “deplorable conditions” at the cemetery was filed by a resident at a city council session earlier this week. It included concern about long grass and weeds and mounds of dirt. City crews have been working overtime and a firm has been contracted to help clean up the area by Memorial Day.


Despite the hopes of Sidney School administrators, last night’s recount of the school levy vote turned up only one error and even that went the other way. One counting error changed the final outcome to 2,306 for the 3.8- mill school operating levy to 2,316 against. Present at the recount were William Lang, Sidney City Solicitor, and Robert Burns, chairman of the levy campaign.


FORT LORAMIE – A parade between one and two miles long consisting of more than 1,500 people is in store for spectators at the Fort Loramie Fourth of July celebration.

25 Years ago

May 21, 1999

An official announcement is expected on Monday concerning the proposed merger of the Greater Miami Valley Conference and the Western Ohio League into a so-called “super league.” Representatives from the two conferences met on Thursday at Sinclair Community College to finalize details of the plan that would create a 14-team league beginning with the 2001-2002 school year. Schools from the GMVC include Sidney, Piqua, Troy, Northmont, Trotwood, Vandalia, and Greenville. The WOL schools are Wayne, Centerville, Xenia, Fairmont, Beavercreek, Springfield North and Springfield South. “We had a meeting two weeks ago, and a committee was formed,” said Sidney High athletic director Ed Miller. “Since that time, the commit- tee has met at least twice. Then on Thursday, the superintendents, principals and athletic directors from all the schools met to hear a report from that committee.”


The Fourth Annual Sidney MayFest Soccer Classic brought 126 teams to three different locations in Sidney on Saturday and Sunday, including several teams from Sidney. There were teams from Michigan, Kentucky and Indiana also entered in the event. Three Sidney teams made it through the first day unbeaten and untied, but only two of them advanced to the championship game. The Sidney Raptors, in the U-11 division, captured the championship by defeating Pickerington 5-2 in the title game. The team is coached by Dave Deal and is the second straight year it’s won the title. The team members are Andy Couchot, Bryan Verbofsky, Ryan Billing. Peter Berlekamp. Tyler Bensman, Matt Mullen, Scott Ulrich, Jack McMahon, Mike Flock, Eric Cisco. D.J. Heintz, Dave Bajek, and Tyler Deal.

These news items from past issues of the Sidney Daily News are compiled by the Shelby County Historical Society (937-498-1653) as a public service to the community. Local history on the Internet! www.shelbycountyhistory.org. Visit the Sidney Daily News website, www.sidneydailynews.com to read the rest of the week’s columns.