Student United Way awards grants

Student United Way gave out $10,000 in grants to organizations serving children 18 years old and younger this year.

Shelby County United Way provided the students with the money, and the students reviewed grant proposals. Select applicants are invited to present in person, and after all presentations, students finalize the awards.

“We have all ten local school districts in Student United Way, with a high school junior and senior participating,” Shelby County United Way CEO Karla Young said. “This was our sixth year of Student United Way and we had another great group of young leaders join us.”

The students completed the year by learning about the needs of the community, touring non-profit agencies and law enforcement sites and hearing presentations from organization and community leaders. Topics covered were childcare, food insecurity, mental health and counseling, domestic violence and victim programming and substance abuse.

Students participating during the 2032-2024 school year were: Trevor Robert and London Reiss, Anna; Reagan McPheron and Noah Greve, Botkins; Isaiah Abbott and Savannah Baughman, Christian Academy; Martha Chrisman and Drew Westerbeck, Fairlawn; Victoria Mescher and Summer Hoying, Fort Loramie; Paul Samera and Ethan Lukey, Houston; Reed Platfoot and Riley Barhorst, Jackson Center; Alex Lundy and Valerie Rindler, Lehman Catholic; Zeb Borchers and Jaela Shappie, Russia; Kendall Dickman and Jarrett Payne; Sidney.

The students award a $2,000 grant to New Choices, a $1,500 grant to Jackson Center 7 Churches Backpack Program, a $1,500 grant to Munch Bunch Weekend Backpack Program, a $1,500 grant to Mercy Mission House, a $1,250 grant to Shelby County CASA and a $500 grant to Wilma Valentine Child Care.