Universal 1 Credit Union awards scholarships

SIDNEY — Universal 1 Credit Union (U1) members, Ryan Fitchpatrick of Lehman Catholic High School, Macey Land of Miamisburg High School and Ava Peck of Chaminade Julienne High School, were each awarded this year’s Glen R Kershner Memorial Scholarship of $1,000.

The 2024 graduates have built a list of accomplishments that has provided many opportunities for scholarship offers and grants to attend major universities.

Fitchpatrick will be attending the University of Notre Dame, where she will pursue a Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree in the legal field. During her time at Lehman Catholic, Fitchpatrick held multiple leadership roles, including serving as the student director of the Lehman Limelighters, a competitive A Capella Choir.

She was also a member of the National Honor Society, president of the Stock Club, and the founder/president of the Mock Trial team. Fitchpatrick’s aspirations include earning degrees in English and Finance, which will provide a robust foundation for her future pursuits in the legal field, with a focus on corporate law or financial regulations.

U1 established a scholarship program in 2004 to benefit high school student credit union members seeking a post-secondary education at an accredited college. The program was named the Glen R Kershner Memorial Scholarship after his death in 2011.