Fort Loramie Athletic Department

FORT LORAMIE — The Fort Loramie Athletic Department will be holding an informational meeting at 8 p.m. on Wednesday in the high school gymnasium to discuss a potential athletic facility for the district. Any resident of the district is welcome to attend. The potential financial cost to the district will be discussed, along with the reasons to explore a larger space for student athletics. Possible options include a new facility and asking for community feedback on whether the board/district should move forward with the project. It is being noted that the project will not require a new ballot issue or an increase in taxes.

Minster Board of Education

MINSTER — The Minster Board of Education is holding a special meeting at 5 p.m. on Tuesday at the elementary school large group meeting room. The purpose to approve personnel recommendations.

Community Improvement Corporation of Sidney

SIDNEY — A meeting of the Community Improvement Corporation of Sidney, Ohio is scheduled for 1 p.m. on June 17 at the Sidney-Shelby County Chamber of Commerce Conference Room, 101 South Ohio Avenue, Floor 2.

The agenda for the meeting will be affordable housing options in Sidney and planning next steps for development.