Minster Council recognizes scholarship winner, approves street resurfacing


Minster Village Council recognized a scholarship winner, approved the 2024 minor street resurfacing project and put on the zoning codes of total ban on cannabis in the village.

Ryan Halpin was awarded a $3,000 scholarship from AMP Ohio. Up to four students are awarded this scholarship in areas served by AMP Ohio. The nominee must be a student whose parent or guardian is an employee of AMP or an AMP member. If the parent or guardian is an employee of an AMP member, that parent or guardian must work directly for, or provide management or leadership of, the electric utility, electric utility department, or joint action agency or spend at least 30 percent of their time directly supporting electric utility operations.

The nominee must be a graduating senior who has met all the basic requirements for college or technical school entrance and has a cumulative, unweighted grade-point average of 3.0 or better on a 4.0 scale.

Council approved via emergency vote to award a $417,997 contract to Barrett Paving as the lowest and best bidder for the 2024 Minor Street Resurfacing Project. The streets to be repaved included Seventh Street, west of Ohio Street, Fourth Street between Garfield Steet and Frankfort, the parking lots at the police station and the recycling center. Also, the alley east of Hanover Street between First and Third Streets. The work is expected to begin in July or August.

Cannabis is now completely banned from the village, with the adoption of new zoning codes that do not allow the sale or propagation of cannabis.

The area around the library will become a bit larger, with the first reading of a proposed resolution accepting the donation of lots 24 and 26 on North Lincoln Street. Conditions to allow donation of the lots are to use the vacant land for to the benefit of the library. The village must also agree to keep the land for five years.

Council approved a motion to hire 27 pool employees and three for the Parks and Rec department. It also approved the purchase a 150 KVA transformer for the electric department for $26,425.

Don Harrod, village administrator, reported on village activities.

He said Hohenbrink Excavating have indicated that they will be complete both Seventh Street/North Paris Street and Stonegate Drive by June 17.

Moody’s continue the development of the total dissolved solids wells, he said. They are currently constructing the pumps and will be installing them by June 17. All that would remain in the well development area would be for the installation of the electrical equipment which is ordered and expected to be here by July 1. As far as the water line goes, Shinn Brothers should wrap up the installation of that this week.

America’s Decorative Concrete have installed the sidewalks along state Route 119 as well as the bases for the rapid flashing beacon at the intersection of Miami Erie Drive and state Route 119. The flashing beacons should be installed in the next week or so.

Gehret Nursery is in the process of seeding both the Sixth Street project and West Seventh Street. Once the seeding is complete these two projects will be wrapped up.

Council approved receipts of $242,124.14 and invoices: $385,497.19.

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