Sidney to purchase 2 propane-powered busesHeadline for another story to be here


COLUMBUS — The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has announced that 20 school districts in Ohio will benefit from the 2023 Clean School Bus Program rebate competition, one of which is Sidney City Schools.

The program funds electric school buses, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, producing cleaner air, and saving money for school districts.

Sidney City Schools will be purchasing two propane buses through the program according to superintendent Bob Humble. The district will receive $85,000 in rebate funds for the purchase.

The EPA Clean School Bus Program prioritizes funding for low-income, rural, and Tribal school districts. For the third year in a row, the CSBP has experienced an overwhelming demand for funding. The majority of applicants requested electric school buses – the cleanest, healthiest option for children, as diesel air pollution is linked to asthma and other adverse health conditions causing kids to miss school, particularly in communities of color and Tribal communities.

“This marks a pivotal stride toward fostering healthier communities and enhancing our school districts,” Ericka Copeland, director of the Ohio chapter of the Sierra Club, said. “We’re elated that numerous school districts across Ohio have secured rebate funding for clean school buses. By phasing out aging, pollutant-emitting diesel buses and transitioning to clean, emissions-free electric alternatives, we anticipate a significant boost in air quality. This shift not only safeguards the commute to school for our students but also fosters safer working conditions for our dedicated bus drivers and technicians.”

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