Out of the past: June 10

125 Years

June 10, 1899

Persons who reside in Shelby county, but living outside of Sidney, and whose tax on the city duplicate amounts to three dollars per annum, those attending the public schools of said city, during such attendance, and such other residents of Shelby County shall pay the Librarian two dollars per annum for the privilege, may draw books from the library, in the same manner as residents of Sidney.


The first game of the baseball season in Sidney was played at the new ball grounds at the top of Orbison hill yesterday, the Sidney boys being opposed by the Versailles team. The grounds have been recently improved by being scraped, and were in fine condition for an excellent game. There was a large crowd out to see the game, and the only disappointment in store for them was that Sidney did not win.

100 Years

June 10, 1924

At the meeting of the Kiwanis Club held at the Wagner House today the attendance and membership contest closed. Thirty-five members have been added to the club roll.


On account of the many strangers who will be in the city for the laying of the corner stone of the Dorothy Love Presbyterian Home, the young ladies of the M.E. church decided to do their part in taking care of them by serving a public dinner.

75 Years

June 10, 1949

Purchase of a milk route serving Botkins, Kettlersville and McCartyville by the Sidney Dairy Products, Inc., was announced today by A.H. Henke, secretary-treasurer of the Sidney Dairy. The route is at present operated by the Thaman brothers of Botkins.


An unusual program on meat cutting was presented for members of the Sidney Kiwanis club when they had Wayne Wheeler as their guest speaker at the Hotel Wagner. Wheeler brought with him all the cuts that come from the side of a cow and a half a pig. Assisting him was Kiwanian H.V. Wheeler, the speaker’s father.


The Monarch Tool company, of Sidney, has joined 10 of the nation’s machine tool companies in establishing a sales and promotion firm to bid for Latin American business.

50 Years

June 10, 1974

Plans for the Sidney area’s next 20 years of development were reviewed last night by city officials and representatives of the townships within a three-mile radius of the city. The plans are the result of a six-month study of central Shelby County by the Woolpert Co. of Dayton and will ideally provide the basis for future zoning and building codes.


A special commendation was given Monday to the Sidney Police department, headed by Chief Jack Wilson, in connection with its child safety program, by the National Child Safety Council.

25 Years

June 10, 1999

RICHMOND, Ind. – Wayne County Historical Museum officials are examining more than 50 glass plate negatives of photos apparently taken by Orville or Wilbur Wright. The negatives are original photos and pictures of photos, part of a collection which also includes letters and magazine articles written by Orville Wright. William Dennis II, the son of the former congressman David Dennis, gave them to the museum. David Dennis was a cousin to the Wright brothers.


Engine trouble in the B-17 bomber “Yankee Lady” has caused the cancellation of the airplane’s appearance at the Sidney Air Fair Saturday.

These news items from past issues of the Sidney Daily News are compiled by the Shelby County Historical Society (937-498-1653) as a public service to the community. Local history on the Internet! www.shelbycountyhistory.org. Visit the Sidney Daily News website, www.sidneydailynews.com to read the rest of the week’s columns.