Botkins decorates Council chambers


By Megan Lewis
For the Sidney Daily News

BOTKINS — The seal and decorations are now up on the walls of Botkins’ council chambers, which its members showed off during Wednesday’s meeting.

There was some discussion among members about setting up a photo contest to add more imagery to other walls.

The Village’s safety committee reviewed the results of the traffic study during Wednesday’s meeting. For now, it has chosen to install an electronic speed limit sign on the north side of the Village, where most issues are concentrated.

By utilizing the sign’s collected raw data, the police department will enhance their speed trap arrangements. Additionally, the data will demonstrate traffic patterns in hopes of generating more enthusiasm for the initiative to turn County Road 25-A into a state route. The cost of the sign has been covered with funds from the state highway fund.

The Locke 2 Road and Meadow Drive project has begun, with the two Autumn Circle stubs being removed. Next week concrete will be poured on these roads. Also next week, road cutting at Huber and East Walnut Street will begin.

There will be a funding application meeting in mid-July for the South Street project. The service committee plans to meet soon to set-up a road project calendar.

The council decided what the definition for non-commercial recreational properties, like pools, will be. It was decided that any “fun” structure that is in a non-public location and isn’t operated for profit.

The council also discussed the rules for accessory structures like sheds. After some debate over size and location, the council members decided to study the existing 28-page document and discuss it in more detail at the next meeting.

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