Sidney-Shelby County Chamber of Commerce accepting nominations for Zenith award


SIDNEY — For 33 years, the Sidney-Shelby County Chamber of Commerce has recognized an individual that has dedicated themselves to a lifetime of community service to Shelby County. The Chamber is now accepting nominations for the 2024 award.

The Chamber’s Zenith Award originated in 1990 and has been presented to such distinguished volunteers as William McMillen, Don Fogt, Don Bensman, Harry Faulkner, Robert Zielsdorf, Robert Burns, John Garmhausen, Patrick Milligan, Herb Schlater, Ralph Bornhorst, Rich Wallace, Ralph Keister, Mike Puckett, Tom Francis, Bruce Boyd, Bob Sargeant, Sandy Shoemaker, Ken Schlater, Doug Stewart, Lisa Alvetro, Roger Lentz, Priscilla Wilt, Ed Borchers, Tom Boecker, Mick Given, John Dunlap, Doug Barhorst, Tom Middleton, Cindy Helman, Tom Milligan, Mike Lochard, Rudy Keister, and Denny Sollmann.

The criteria for nomination includes, but is not limited to, activity in service groups, leadership efforts, philanthropy, community causes championed, civic participation, and overall volunteer commitment.

Please submit your nomination to the Chamber offices not later than Sept. 1. A formal Zenith Award Nomination form can be acquired by contacting Jeff Raible, President, Sidney-Shelby County Chamber of Commerce at 492-9122 or by e-mail to [email protected]. Nomination forms can also be downloaded from the Chamber web site at

“For more than 200 years volunteers have played a significant role in shaping Shelby County into the quality community it is today”, says Jeff Raible with the Chamber. “Please help us identify and recognize those civic-minded volunteers in our community most deserving of this special recognition.”

The 2024 Zenith Award recipient will be announced at the Chamber’s Annual Membership dinner in March 2025.

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