Russia Local School Board approves the hiring of many teachers and coaches

RUSSIA — Russia Local School Board approved the hiring of many teachers and coaches along with bus drivers during its meeting on Wednesday. They accepted varying amounts of donations to be used for scholarships and sports programs.

Principal Janel Slonkosky discussed the change in the permission slips required for every field trip and assemble. They are now including an opt in and opt out that parents can select on such forms.

During the executive session, the salaries for the superintendent, principal, and treasurer were set.

Anna Village Board swears in new part-time officer

ANNA — Anna Village Council approved the hiring of a new part-time officer during its meeting on July 9. Gavin Jones, a Fairlawn graduate, was sworn in during the meeting.

The board discussed the cannabis distribution regulation parameters. The question was raised on what the exact distance from Anna Local Schools these establishments could be, if they are permitted within village limits. There was discussion whether a one-mile radius or straight line would be sufficient. Police Chief Darrin Goudy said that, in most cases dealing with restrictions, it is a distance considered in terms of radius. They also discussed location placement near the Interstate 75 exit.

A board member brought up wanting to update the school zone flashers to make sure they were up to code; they are getting estimates on that now.

Honeycutt and Tyson resign from Jackson Center police

JACKSON CENTER — Sergeant Honeycutt and K9 Officer “Good Boy” Tyson announced their resignation from the police force for personal reasons during Jackson Center’s Village Council meeting on July 8 via a letter.

Honeycutt has been a member of the police force since 2021, while Tyson joined in 2022. In May 2023, Honeycutt was promoted to sergeant. Both of their last days will be on July 14. Officer Lauren Kilburn reported that the police department did hire a new part-time officer. His name is Adam Debosse, and he will be starting sometime next week.

The storm line project on 308 West Pike Street is finished, as well as the concrete work on Linden, North, and Ohio Street. Paving is scheduled for several months from now, but in the meantime, the roads have been patched with a temporary cold-patch solution. The railroad crossing on Washington Street was scheduled to begin July 15. It was set to be completed Friday.

Mayor Jesse Fark addressed the citizen complaints about dog feces in yards. He stated that there is an ordinance (2009-018) in place that all citizens of Jackson Center are supposed to clean-up after their pets. If you are having an issue regarding this, contact law enforcement to handle the complaint, as it is considered a minor misdemeanor crime. He also said citizens shouldn’t be afraid to address any concerns that they are having in Jackson Center at council meetings.

Russia reviews finances, sets date for park project ribbon cutting

RUSSIA — Russia set the ribbon cutting for the dedication of the new splash pad and pavilion in Russia Community Park during its Village Council meeting on July 10.

The Wellness Foundation has an event scheduled for the park on Sept. 21, and Jake Borchers, who was one of two council members who oversaw the project, said the ribbon cutting can be held on the same date. Borchers also reported a plaque with the lists of donors is being finalized.

Fiscal officer Mary Jo Voisard led an overview of finances during the meeting. Voisard said income tax receipts for May were down, but for 2024 overall they are up over $64,000 from 2024. She also reported the Public Entities Pool of Ohio informed her the grocery store was sold, and that the pavilion and splash pad could be added to the village’s insurance policy.

Hardin-Houston Local School Board approves program services

HOUSTON — Hardin-Houston approved program services and vision impaired services agreements with Midwest Regional ESC during its meeting on Monday.

Marissa Pollock was hired as the junior high and high school science teacher as Scott Bayless resigned from that position. Rebecca Heitman was hired as transportation coordinator. Dana Anthony resigned as an educational aide.

The board approved the Southwestern Ohio Educational Purchasing Council to advertise and receive bids for school buses. They also declared transportation to Piqua Catholic and Piqua Christian Schools as impractical and will authorize payments to parents per student.

Minster approves resolution for levy

MINSTER — A resolution for the renewal of a levy and the promotion of a new full time patrolman were part of the Minster Village Council meeting on Monday.

The council approved a resolution to place a renewal of the three-year, three mill levy on the November ballot to support the fire and EMS department that serves both the village and surrounding Franklin Township. A separate vote for this levy will be done in the township.

If passed, the levy will net approximately $320,000 annually.

In other action, Logan Gray was promoted to a full-time permanent position with the Police Department. He will be paid $23.26 per hour.

The Stallo library now has extra land space with approval of a third and final reading of a resolution accepting the donation to the village of Minster of a parcel of land located on North Lincoln Drive. The condition of the bequest is that the village retain ownership for a minimum of five years.

Village administrator Don Harrod reported on the various projects going on in the village. He said Hohenbrink Excavating have reopened Seventh and Paris Streets after completing the manhole process and are in the process of finishing grading and then seeding the area. In addition, the Public Works Department has moved a couple of signs that were blocking others and will be installing some additional signs in the near future.

Work on the Police Department building continues to move forward. Crews continue to work on renovations on the interior of the existing building. Work should commence on the exterior of the original building shortly.

Sidney Daily News editor Bryant Billing, reporter Anna Edmiston and freelance reporters Megan Lewis and Sandy Rose Schwieterman contributed to this report.