Legion baseball: Sidney Post 217 season ends with 6-1 loss to Troy


TROY — Sidney Post 217 ended its season in disappointment with a 6-1 loss to Troy Post 43 on Saturday at Duke Park in Troy in the Regional Legion tournament.

Chase Monnin started on the mound for Sidney and was dominant in the first with a 1-2-3 inning.

In the bottom of the first, Post 217 came out swinging. First, a leadoff double from Jonny Heitkamp who scored two batters later on a double off the bat of Brayden Monnin. Giving Sidney a 1-0 lead after one.

Troy worked to get some runs back in the second with a leadoff single followed by an error by third baseman Zeb Schulze that allowed another runner to reach.

Post 43 tied the game up with a single and then took the lead later in the inning on a single to left that led to an error on Bryant Meier that allowed two runs to cross the plate.

An intentional walk to Joel Gehret started the bottom of the second followed by two singles and a sacrifice bunt helped Sidney cut the lead to one, but, it was noticed that Post 217 had batted out of order. Sidney was forced to give up the run, keeping the score 3-1 heading into the third inning.

Chas Monnin had another 1-2-3 inning and sent Sidney back to the plate with momentum.

That continued as Post 217 loaded the bases on three walks in a row to start the inning. It was unable to capitalize as the next three batters went down without consequence and kept Troy’s lead safe.

Yet another three up-three down inning for Chase Monnin in the top of the fourth kept Post 43 quiet at the plate. Sidney continued to put runners on base in the bottom of the fourth with two singles and a walk but were again unable to plate any runners.

Both teams went down in order in the fifth inning.

Troy got back to scoring in the top of the sixth after a lead off double and a passed ball stretched its lead to 4-1. Post 217 went down in order again in the bottom of the sixth before surrendering two more runs in the seventh, giving it a 6-1 deficit with one inning to save its season.

In the bottom of the seventh, Sidney went 1-2-3 for the third consecutive inning and ended its season with a loss.

Chase Monnin threw a complete game on seven hits and eight strikeouts, only giving up one earned run. Sidney had four errors as a team.

Sidney Post 217 Legion went 16-14 on the season.

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