Out of the past: July 23


125 Years

July 23, 1899

The Klute band will accompany the basket picnic excursion to Riverside Park.


The annual reunion of the 20 Regiment, OVI, was held at the fairground Saturday. There were seventy-nine of the veterans of the 20th present with their families and a good many soldiers who were not members of the 20th. The reunion closed in the evening with a camp fire at the Neal Post room where a very pleasant evening was spent in singing patriotic songs, relating army experiences and having a general good time. The hall was most beautifully decorated with flags and bunting and never looked prettier.

100 Years

July 23, 1924

Quite an honor has been conferred on our Sidney municipal band as they have just received the contract to furnish the music for the big New Bremen Farmers picnic at Keunnings Grove in August.


Tuesday evening’s program at Chautauqua was splendid and was composed of a concert by the DeGiorgio Orchestra and the lecture “The Powder and the Match” delivered by Judge George D. Alden of Massachusetts.


The story and a half cottage of Homer Russell, the well know dairy man, located on the Russell pike about a mile north of Sidney, together with the milk house adjoining the house was totally destroyed by fire Wednesday.

75 Years

July 23, 1949

All union members are to report for work at the two Copeland Refrigeration corporation plants Monday according to instructions from their leaders today as wage negotiations between UE-CIO local 776 officials and Copeland management continued “without progress.”


Major Ralph E. Monroe, of the United States Air Force, recently received the distinct honor of attaining senior pilot rating. He is home on leave, visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Monroe. Monroe entered the service in July 1941.

50 Years

July 23, 1974

Pending selection of a suitable site, a residential mental health guidance facility, similar in principle to the Shelby County Juvenile Group Home, will begin operation in Sidney. This one, however, will be for adults.


Sidney City Council has passed an emergency ordinance authorizing an option agreement with Mrs. Paul Clark for the purchase of 60 acres of land at Sidney Municipal Airport.


In 1860 when the first fair was held at the present fairgrounds, a quilt was exhibited by women of the Young family; it took first place. Today, Mrs. Aaron Ellerman, of Sidney, is the proud owner of this prize-winning quilt. The quilt was made by her paternal grandmother, Manerva Young Gossard, and her sister and mother. She believes it was made between 1858 and 1859.

25 Years

July 23, 1999

PHOTO – It sure seemed like it was hot enough to fry an egg on the sidewalk Thursday, but these children found out that with the high of 92 it just felt that way. At the Sidney Municipal Swimming Pool (l-r): Stacy Cyphers, 14, daughter of Ginger Plaisted and Jeff Cyphers; Cory Cotterman, 8, son of Rob and Julie Cotterman; Kelly Carpenter, 4, daughter of Randy and Diana Carpenter; Plaisted, 8, daughter of Ginger Plaisted and Mike McGrath; Kevin Cotterman, 7, son of Rob and Julie Cotterman; and Shannon Wigginton, 10, daughter of Junior and Vivian Smith, wanted to find out.


4H officers were elected at a March meeting. Officers are president, Kara Knasel; vice president, Mary Bensman; secretary, Kelly McMahan; treasurer, Lee Anne Regula; and News Reporter, Randi Marie Sloan. The club also has several new members, Mary Dodson, Nikki Leffler and Robbie Sparks.

These news items from past issues of the Sidney Daily News are compiled by the Shelby County Historical Society (937-498-1653) as a public service to the community. Local history on the Internet! www.shelbycountyhistory.org. Visit the Sidney Daily News website, www.sidneydailynews.com to read the rest of the week’s columns.

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