Photo: Jackson Center FCCLA attends conference


From June 29 to July 4, nine members, one advisor and for chaperones from the Jackson Center-UVCC FCCLA Chapter attended the 2024 National Leadership Conference in Seattle. While in attendance five, groups participated in competitive STAR Events held at the conference. Avery Jackson competed in Professional Presentation with her project receiving Gold and third place in the nation. Kendall Hilbun participated in National Programs in Action. Her project received Gold and second place in the nation. Maycee Kipker, Samantha Metzger, and Isabella Warner competed in Chapter in Review Portfolio, they received Gold and first place in the nation. Laynee Shields and Corinne York participated in Food Innovations, earning a Gold and 11th place overall. The final group consisted of Hadley Jackson and Whitney York who participated in Focus on Children earning Silver and 22nd overall.

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