Morgan’s Place Cemetery establishes fund

Morgan’s Place Cemetery, located on state Route 589 in southeast Shelby County, provides burial and support services to grieving families after the loss of a baby. The organization created the Morgan’s Place Cemetery Fund at the Community Foundation of Shelby County for future needs.

“Starting a fund at the Community Foundation is part of our long-range planning and good stewardship of the donations we receive,” Priscilla Wilt, co-president of the board, said. “As the fund grows, it will provide opportunity for growth, stability, and credibility to provide services to grieving families for years to come.

“The Morgan’s Place Cemetery Fund will enable us to be more visible to the community and potential donors, and enable us to reach families needing our services that we might not connect with in other ways. It also provides an easy and trusted option for people who wish to support our ministry financially.”

Morgan’s Place mission is: “to remove the financial and emotional burdens that separate grieving families from Christ during their time of need, so they can focus on their faith, their family and being open to life again after the loss of their baby.”

In addition to funeral planning and burials, the organization provides grieving families with caskets, urns, gravemarkers, burial gowns, miscarriage kits, keepsakes and grief support.

The group provides hospitals and doctor’s offices across the State with miscarriage kits. Another section of the cemetery will open this month for hospital plots. “Our goal is to reach all of the hospitals in Ohio that are currently not providing dignified burials for their unclaimed babies and give them a plot at Morgan’s Place,” said Mollie Verdier, who along with her husband Nathan saw a need for the cemetery and provided its land.

To support the Morgan’s Place Cemetery Fund, checks may be made payable to the Community Foundation of Shelby County, with a note on the memo line indicating Morgan’s Place.

Gifts may be sent to the Foundation at 100 S. Main Ave, Suite 202, Sidney. Credit card gifts may be made through the Community Foundation website at Click Donate in the upper right corner of the home page and select Morgan’s Place Cemetery Fund from the dropdown menu.

The Community Foundation of Shelby County administers scholarship, donor advised, designated, organization, project and community granting funds. Funds are created by people from every area of the county to support their preferred causes and charities.