Out of the past: Aug. 9



Friday, Aug. 9, 1899

The stomach works hard every day. Is it strange that it stops occasionally? Alexander’s Claret Wine strengthens and sweetens the stomach, prevents and cures all disorders of a weak stomach. Large bottles, 35 cents. At Shine’s. – adv’t.


Friday, Aug. 9, 1924

“Jack” – the household pet and watch dog of the Chas. Bush family, of S. Miami Avenue, died last night of internal injuries received several days ago, The dog had been run over by one of the many speed maniacs of the city.


Friday, Aug. 9, 1949

Try our French Vanilla Ice Cream. It’s delicious. The Purity. – adv’t.

Dr. George J. Schroer will come to Sidney to be associated with Dr. Herman C. Clayton at 225 N. Main Avenue.


Friday, Aug. 9, 1974

The Sidney Bikeway is open! Led by members of the Sidney Cycle Club, local cyclists and city officials celebrated the opening of the posted 13-mile bikeway Saturday. Divided into four three-mile sectors, the marked route traces the perimeter of the city.


Friday, Aug. 9, 1999

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (AP) – One year after terrorist bombs ravaged its embassies in Kenya and Tanzania and killed 224 people, the United States is no closer to arresting the man it believes masterminded the attacks. Washington has put suspected terrorist Osama bin Laden on its 10 Most Wanted and offered a $5 million reward for his arrest.

FLAT ROCK, N.C. (AP) – The Southern Party’s inaugural rally drew 150 supporters Saturday, many in Confederate grey, while party leaders pledged to work for a separate Southern nation. Leaders said this time their struggle would be a peaceful one, and short-term goals were to win elections. The rally was held at an inn where Confederate troops lodged during the Civil War. The overwhelmingly white crowd sang “Dixie.”

Erica Keith of Sidney, a life-long Shelby County resident, was hired in April as the new health and safety director for the Shelby County Unit of the American Red Cross.

These news items from past issues of the Sidney Daily News are compiled by the Shelby County Historical Society (937-498-1653) as a public service to the community. Local history on the Internet! www.shelbycountyhistory.org. Visit the Sidney Daily News website, www.sidneydailynews.com to read the rest of the week’s columns.

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