The Donut Corner brings baked goods to downtown Sidney


SIDNEY — Sarah Corner said she was excited when she found her first doughnut display case for $20 on Amazon. The excitement turned into amusement when it arrived in a box she could hold with one hand.

The case wasn’t a commercial one, but a decorative one that is four by three inches in size.

While Corner intended to use it for a business, it instead became the first decoration for The Donut Corner, which opened on Saturday morning at 201 1/2 West Court St. in downtown Sidney.

Corner found the commercial cases she needs, along with everything else to run the shop. She held a ribbon cutting on Saturday morning and said she had a steady turnout Saturday, Sunday and Monday.

“I’m in shock, because I did not know I was going to get that much attention from it,” Corner said. “We have been blowing up on Facebook. So many people have been coming in, and then selling out. I was almost in tears; I can’t believe this has happened like this.

“… We have just kind of pieced it all together. And for the response to be so quick, it’s amazing.”

The business is located in the same building as Shelby County Bail Bonds, which Corner also operates.

Corner said much of the building was unused, and she had wanted to something with the empty space for a while.

“I just thought, why not sell doughnuts?” Corner said. “Who doesn’t like doughnuts?”

The building has a lobby, kitchen and dining room (which includes at a television). There is a pickup window that is covered by an awning between the city parking lot and South West Avenue that people can drive through.

Corner said she designed each room with a theme. The lobby has pink and blue color scheme; Corner said she chose those colors to make the room bright and fun. The dining room is warmed-toned with wood floors and large windows; Corner said she wanted the room to be relaxing for those who stay to drink coffee.

The doughnuts are made by Mello-Creme Donuts in Lima and brought down each day. A variety of glazed, stick, cake and Persian doughnut rolls are available.

Aside from doughnuts, cookies and cupcakes are also sold at the bakery; Wolfgang Puck coffee is also sold at the store.

“The lady that makes these doughnuts, she and her husband (Dave and Judy Parks) have been doing this since the 1950’s,” Corner said. “Everything is handmade. She’s floured up, versus other restaurants that will have machine made.”

Cookies and cupcakes are being made by Amber Ike, of Piqua, who operates Sprinkles and Sweets, and by Kaitlin Jones, who runs A-OK Creations and Stevens Bakery northwest of Springfield.

Corner said she may offer goods from other bakers as well. They will also take orders at The Donut Corner for their bakers for cakes, breads and other baked goods not offered every day in the store.

“So if people want to order graduation cakes, birthday cakes, they can,” Corner said. “It’s nice to have a place where you can go to just order a cake or something like that. There’s not many places you can do that now without having to go online or (to a box store).”

The Donut Corner is open daily from 5 a.m. to 1 p.m.; hours are sometimes extended until later in the afternoon. Updates are posted on the business’ Facebook page.

Reach Sidney Daily News editor Bryant Billing at 937-538-4822, or follow @BryantBillingSDN on Facebook or @TopBillingSport on X (Twitter).

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