Sidney natural gas aggregation contract renewal delayed


For several months, the city’s aggregation consultant, Affordable Gas and Electric, LLC, has been working with suppliers to secure a new natural gas aggregation rate for the city’s program.

Unfortunately, an issue in receiving accurate eligible customer data from CenterPoint Energy will delay the contract renewal process.

As a result of this delay, and the time required to provide new opt-out notices once the new supplier and rate are determined, customers in the city’s natural gas aggregation program will return to the Standard Choice Offer (SCO), the default natural gas supply option through CenterPoint, for a period of time.

The SCO rate fluctuates monthly as market rates change. The SCO rate for August 2024 is $0.334 per ccf.

As a part of this transition, residents will also receive additional required notices in the mail.

The first letter from CenterPoint will state that the current supplier (Constellation) has dropped the resident from their supply and they are being assigned to a supplier under the SCO program.

The second letter will come from the supplier the resident is assigned under in the SCO program.

Once the accurate data is received and the required Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO) review period has passed, new opt-out materials will be drafted and sent to eligible residents.

Residents will then have 21 days to opt-out of the city’s program.

The involved teams are actively working to promptly resolve the issue, aiming to reduce the duration our residents are in the fluctuating SCO rate.

The City of Sidney understands the delay may cause frustration and confusion within the

community and thank you for your patience as we work through this process.

Sidney voters approved both an electric and natural gas aggregation program during the November 2015 election.

Find out more about the City of Sidney’s gas and electric aggregation program here.

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