Out of the past: Aug. 21


Wednesday, Aug. 21, 1899

A meeting of the Board of Education was held at the Central school building last evening. The board adopted the new natural geography, the system of vertical writing, and the question of not having music taught in the schools as decided at a former meeting was reconsidered.


Wednesday, Aug. 21, 1924

Parkwood. Sidney’s ideal homesite. On the “Dixie.” – adv’t.

Herman Rasor, of this city, has purchased the general store at Pemberton, which was formerly the Heston store. The new owner is the son of P.D. Rasor who has the Rasor grocery store on Fair Ave.


Wednesday, Aug. 21, 1949

William Brownfield, national Junior Chamber of Commerce vice president, was in Sidney this week to shoot scenes of the second fogging of the city with DDT. The foggings are sponsored by the Sidney Jaycees as a major step in achieving pest control as a possible barrier against the spread of infantile paralysis.


Wednesday, Aug. 21, 1974

“Beware! There is danger to your soul in seeing The Exorcist.” Thus proclaims a pamphlet being distributed to persons entering Sidney’s Chakeres’ Theater. Ralph Justus, along with his wife and sister-in-law, urge persons to read the pamphlet. People have only seen the sensational side of satanism,” Justus explained, “we want to present both sides of the story.”


Wednesday, Aug. 21, 1999

PHOTO: New teachers at Fairlawn Local Schools for the 1999-2000 school year are Christy Baker, English; Connie Burger, fifth grade; Linda Jennings, learning disabilities tutor; Sandra Stubbins, Title I reading; Thomas Stubbins, music and band director; and Jim Puckett, health and physical education.

PHOTO: Seven new teachers will greet the students at Russia Local Schools when they return to classes. New to the system are Marie Daughtery, elementary vocal music; Jenny Droesch, junior high language arts; Casey Elliott, second grade; Betsey Sycks, fifth grade language arts; and Aaron Weigel, sixth grade science and language arts.

These news items from past issues of the Sidney Daily News are compiled by the Shelby County Historical Society (937-498-1653) as a public service to the community. Local history on the Internet! www.shelbycountyhistory.org. Visit the Sidney Daily News website, www.sidneydailynews.com to read the rest of the week’s columns.