Nine-year-old author publishes book on farm blessings


By Kimberly Pistone
For the Sidney Daily News

QUINCY Nine-year-old Vetta Stringfield knows all about the blessings of living on a farm. She wrote a book titled Good Morning, Farm Blessings about these blessings for her younger brother, and this book is now available on Amazon. Vetta has also donated a couple of copies of her book to the Amos Memorial Public Library.

Vetta’s mom, Tessa Stringfield, said this book came about organically as they would do chores around the farm. Vetta would talk about how ducks and chickens make eggs that make food for people, and connect that to how God blesses us. She would do this with all the animals as they did their daily caretaking.

Tessa started jotting down Vetta’s ideas. One day Tessa Stringfield said, “Maybe you can write a book.” Vetta took this idea, went into her room and came out with a book she had illustrated and stapled together.

Vetta included animals that are on her farm, like bunnies, cows, chickens, ducks, turkeys, dogs and cats, but also included other common farm animals like pigs and sheep.

Vetta worked with Stringfield to create the illustrations in the published book. The illustrations were created with AI and apps. Stringfield said she provided support, but said her daughter decided on each image and had full art control. The cover image is of Vetta’s pet bunny Tango, a Holland lop.

Vetta would like to be an author and a veterinarian when she grows up.

“I love all the animals very much. I really want to become a vet so I can help animals and save their lives,” Vetta said.

“She could go out and bring home as many animals as we would let her. I don’t think there is a bigger animal lover out there. She is the animal whisperer — that is what the family calls her. She saves birds, a baby water snake. She is ready to help any animal,” Stringfield said.

Vetta plans to write her next book about her bunny Tango because he is a good companion, cute and fluffy.

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