Business Spotlight: Peter’s Pense Religious Library a staple in downtown Sidney

Peter’s Pense Religious Library volunteers Emma Linson, Director Julie Linson, and Volunteer Diana Reichert pose in front August’s window display recently. The library celebrated its 35th anniversary earlier this week.

Megan Lewis | Sidney Daily News

By Megan Lewis
For the Sidney Daily News

The Peter’s Pence Religious Library has been a staple location in downtown Sidney for 35 years. It celebrated its anniversary on Aug. 22.

It was founded by Marianne Wagner in 1989 and started with six volunteers. Wagner educated locals personally about the Catholic faith by answering questions and provided them with materials to help guide them on their spiritual journey. She decided that opening a library would reach many more people than she could on her own.

Today, the Peter’s Pense Religious Library has been at its current location on East Poplar Street since 2017 with 33 volunteers. Julie Linson has been the library’s director for a year and a half.

In 2006, while in a church study group, a member recommended a book she never heard of. They recommended getting a copy from this library. When she came in with her then infant son, she was surprised by the wide selection of books they have. After that day, she volunteered, raising through the ranks. She became Vice President in 2017 and Director in 2022.

The library has an even wider selection of religious, primarily Magisterium Catholic, books available for all ages to enjoy.

They also have religious items for sale. They have plastic rosaries for free, and metal ones for a suggested $1.50 donation. The Miraculous Medals next to the rosaries and prayer cards are available for free. Candles and Scapulars are handcrafted by library volunteers. The candles have a suggested donation price of $1.50, while the scapular’s suggested donation is $3. The candles and rosaries are blessed by a local priest. There are other tagged items available throughout the store and on the sales table by the door.

A library card is free upon filling out a form. Children under 16 need a parent’s permission first to sign up. The entire process is automated, meaning you don’t need to present a card to check things out. The first time you check out, there is a three material limit. After that, there’s no limit; materials are loaned for three weeks.

The Library also raises funds for the Glenmary Home Mission, a charity that helps mothers get back on their feet.

The Library are 100 percent donation and volunteer operated. It is independently runwith no affiliation with the state or Catholic Diocese. It is looking for any sort of religious materials, particularly items, to expand the children’s section.

Those interested in volunteering must be over 18 with a strong understanding of the Catholic faith. Volunteers are being sought, including someone creative that can put together window displays every month, someone who can lead a bible study class to build a bible study program and a social media manager to promote events. If interested in either donating or volunteering, contact Linson at [email protected].

The library is open Tuesday and Thursday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Wednesday and Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m. to noon.