Kiwanis Labor Day Chicken BBQ to return

John Coffield, left to right, hands some chicken meals to Jane Seving, of Sidney, as Seving’s dog Charlie rides in the back seat on Sept. 7, 2020. The annual fundraiser for Kiwanis Club of Sidney is set to return Monday.

Luke Gronneberg | Sidney Daily News

The Kiwanis Club of Sidney Ohio is holding its 71st annual Labor Day chicken barbecue on Monday at the Shelby County Fairgrounds.

Serving time was changed last year from previous years and will stay the same: 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., or until sold out.

Ticket prices are $12 per dinner. Included in the purchase price is a half chicken, potato chips, applesauce and a roll and butter.

Tickets can be purchased from any club member or can be purchased at the door the day of the event. Tickets can also be purchased at Bunny’s Pharmacy, Ron & Nita’s, Best One Tire, Sidney Tire, and Mutual Federal.

Proceeds from Chicken Bar-B-Que help fund many of the community service projects the Sidney Kiwanis participates in. Some of these projects include: college scholarships to local high school seniors, Cribs for Kids Project, establishment of the Kiwanis-Rotary All-inclusive playground at Tawawa Park, Key Club sponsorship at Sidney High School, Builders Club sponsorship at the Sidney Middle School and sponsorship of the Shelby County Aktion Club.

Other projects include: Key Leader, HOBY, bell ringing for the Salvation Army, Adopt-A-Highway, Sidney’s Adopt-A-Park, support of local food pantries, the Imagination Library, the Little Free Library and the Outstanding Teen from each high school in the county.

The Sidney Kiwanis awarded over $15,000 in scholarships this past year.

The Kiwanis Club asks for help in its mission of helping the children of Sidney and Shelby County. Anyone able is asked to bring a canned food item.

The Kiwanis Club of Sidney would also like to thank its many sponsors, all of which are listed on the barbecue tickets.